Chapter 3

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Hi gayss, I'm very sorry for the delayed chapter. I was busy with my modules. Anygays, please enjoy.

As Loup looked up, he saw Volk's girlfriend and her minions with smoothie all over their clothes.

"UGH!! YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH!! THAT WAS THE MOST EXPENSIVE LIMITED EDITION GUCCI DESIGNED DURIAN SMOOTHIEFROM MOONBUCKS!!" Yelled Evilia, Volk's girlfriend, yanking Loup's hair after she saw him trying to run. "GIRLS! BEAT THIS BITCH UP TO A PULP!!!" She yelled with her high-pitched voice that could get Ariana Grande to shame.

Malvada, one of Evilia's most-trusted mimions, smirked before punching Loup in the gut while Akuno, Evilia's second most-trusted minion, holds him. Whilst the bullying was happening, a crowd had formed, others took a picture, others took videos. a few minutes later a group of teachers stepped in before the bullying gets worst. "Aww, c'mon teach! We were just having fun. Right girls?" said Evilia, looking at her two minions with a glare. "Still! this is the fifthteenth time you've bullied Mr.  Spencer.  If this continues I'm afraid I might have to expel you and the others, you may be the president's daughter but you can't act spoiled in this school." Said the principal, a few pieces of hair falling on her face, stress clearly seen on her face. 

"Hmph!! Fine but that doesn't mean I'll stop making his life miserable" Said Evilia in a small voice. " Did you say something Ms. Miyamoto?" "I said fine I won't bother him anymore!"

" Ok, meeting's dismissed."

Evilia and her two minions  rushed outside after being dismissed while Loup was waving goodbye to the principal. the principal sighed as she looked at Loups back.

Loup's  P.O.V.

I was walking towards the bathroom to cover up my wounds and injury but it seems that the moon goddess has other plans for me. I was pushed into a stall. I was about to scream but a hand covered my mouth before I could.


That's all for today folks. I'm really sorry this is all I could write. i have a lot of modules and projects so I hope all of you readers understand. 

Raising a Child with My BullyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon