Chapter 5

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3rd P.O.V.

Next day rolled too quickly for Loups liking. Imagine sleeping peacefully dreaming about food then BOOM! you felt heavy weight on you like someone threw a tank on you. That's how Loup felt when Louve threw herself on him, jumping up and down hitting his face with a not so soft pillow.

Since the other side is gloomy let's look on the brighter side it's the weekends and there's a rule in the Spencer Household and that is they have to have a relaxing day like going out with the whole family have picnics or go to a beach or just stay inside the house playing cards games. This only happens every first weekend of the month.

"Louve darling, you're gonna break Mama's bones one day." Louve just giggled jumping up and down. "But , but you need to shower and change so you we can go TO. THE BEEEAACCHH!!!" Screeched Louve showing her Mother her infamous puppy eyes.

"Did Grandma give you sweets again?" Asked Loup looking at Louve's retreating figure while looking guilty. Loup just sighed and said  " That's fine but remember what the doctor said. Now go and pick you're outfit while I  prepare the bath." 

" Okie!!" Exclaimed Louve.

•Time Skip•

After they bathed they got ready to go to the beach. " Louve honey, can you get the floatie and volleyball upstairs please."  

" OKIE!!" Louve said enthusiastically running upstairs almost tripping on the way. 

" Be careful Louve! Mom can I talk to you for a sec?" Said Loup looking at Antoinette.

" Sure child."

" S'il vous plaît minimisez donner de bonbons Louve. Tu te souviens du jour où tu as donné den bonbons à Louve lors de son 2e anniversaire. Also where are Mr. and Mrs. Addamson?" Loup said. {TRANS: Please minimize giving Louve sweets. You do remember the day you gave her sweets on her 2nd birthday.} [ AN: Please keep in mind that I'm not french and only relied to google translate.]

" Oui, je m'en souviens mais je ne lui ai donné qu'un bonbon, je ne sais pas comment elle a eu le pot plein de bonbons. About Loraine and Apholo, they said they need to go home as soon as possible because they heard Volk was drinking and also had a party last night." His Mother said reminiscing Louve's 2nd birthday when hell broke loose just because of candy. Loup just nodded whole also reminiscing Louve's birthday.  {TRANS: Yes, I remember that but I only gave her one candy, I don't know how she got the jar full of candy.}

Let's have a little flashback shall we?

It was 8:30 in the morning  when Louve was woken up with a heavenly smell of citrus and orange mixed together, her  Mother's smell.

"Honey, time to wake up. Do you know what day it is today?"  Her Mama asked. "Mhm, Morning Mama."  Louve  tiredly said, rubbing her eyes with her cute, chubby little fist. "Morning child, come on, get up we're going to have a picnic at the park and have a Mother-Daughter day so get you're chubby little butt up and shower." Loup enthusiastically replied.

"But I don't wannaaaaaa."  Louve whined

"Oh? You don't want to spend time with Mama? Ok, I understand you want to be independent." Loup said while wiping a non-existent tear, sniffing a little, acting sad. Louve gasped "That's not true Mama, I love you too much to even leave you plus the only who doesn't want you is Papa." Ok the last one kinda hurt for Loup but it's true.

"Hahaha ok ok, get up and shower."  The white-haired man said.

" OKIE! Now go out and let me shower by my own!!!" Louve responded.

Loup just nodded, getting clothes out  from her drawer/cabinet.

After Louve was done showering, Loup showered next. While Loup was showering, Louve was changing.

After Louve changed, she ran downstairs, going to the kitchen to smell the heavenly smell of breakfast consisting of: Pancakes, bacon, eggs and a cup of cucumber juice. { AN: If you haven't tried cucumber juice you have to TRY it.}

When she's done, her grandma gave her some sweets and told her to behave while she waits for her Mama/Dada because her grandma has to go a bakery with her grandpa. She got too hyper and started running around hitting almost everything.

She turned around a corner and knocked out one of their vases. She just looked at it then ran faster.

Since she was running too fast, she didn't notice her Mama/Dada coming out of the shower and bumped into him. They both got knocked out. Loup got up and looked at Louve who was crying. "Hey, hey, hey don't cry it wasn't your fault." Exclaimed Loup, worry all over his face. "Mama, it hurts!!!" Cried Louve while holding her big toe. Loup took her feet gently and saw that it got pushed too far, to the point where you can see a little a piece of bone. The injury was due to her speeding too fast and the water that dripped from Loup

Upon seeing the little piece of bone, Loup immediately got up, changed fast then carried Louve princess style.
Going to the hospital by car, they got there fast because there was no traffick.

After the doctors treated Louve, they went home with Louve having crutches and had a small party.

End of Flashback


fter Antoinette was done reminiscing the past, they got to the car and drove off to the beach.

Aaaaand another chapter done!!!
I am very sorry for not updating for who knows how long. My modules were piling up and I have to prepare for high school. I'm almost graduating from middle school and enter hel-highschool, yeah, highschool.
Anygays, expect more of updating since I have no more modules.
Well then byeeee!!!!!

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