Hanging Out

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Seth & Sasha Decided to head to her place to hang out.

Sasha: believe it or not, I still have our games & Sports stuff from all the way back then.

Seth: Damn. Really.

Sasha: Yep. In this bin right here.

Seth & Sasha pull out Their old Tennis Stuff

(Being honest, I like tennis, but man it's a pain in the ass Sometimes, like I can bet that after like 3 seconds, you'd be kicking my ass.)

They go into Sasha's backyard & Start Playing Tennis.

Eventually Sasha Wins 35-34

Sasha: Damn.

Seth: What do you mean "Damn" you won.

Sasha: Well I know that but damn you've gotten pretty good since the last time we played.

Seth: yeah I've practiced.

Sasha: *Giggles* I can tell.

???: Can you also tell how painful you can be sometimes.

Sasha: Will you leave me Alone?!?!

Seth: What?

Sasha: No not to you. I'm just hearing some voice that won't leave me the hell alone.

Seth: Ahh I gotcha.

Sasha: Shall we go inside and see a movie.

Seth: Sure

They go inside and turn on Deadpool.

(I actually haven't seen deadpool sooo)

After the movie they were both asleep.

Seth wakes up and sees Sasha sleeping like a baby.

Seth smiles.

Unfortunately, Seth had to go home.

He figured it'd be rude to Just Leave without Telling her.

So Seth made a Note.


If you can't seem to find me, I went home due to it being late. But I had a great time hanging out. If you want we can hang out again in a few days cause I have off of Work.

See you later, Seth Rollins

When Sasha Read the note the next morning, she smiles at the thought of hanging out with him again.

End of Chapter

But who is That Voice Sasha keeps hearing. You'll know soon.

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