Sasha Meets The Voice

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Sasha was Hanging out with Bayley when All of a Sudden, Seth Calls.

Sasha: Seth! How are you doing?

Seth: um.... Not well, I'm stuck to my wall.

Sasha: Wut?😐

Seth: My back is Stuck to the wall.

Sasha: can't you just take your shirt off and get unstuck.

Seth: I could do that huh... Well damn. I am a dummy Sometimes.

Sasha: *laughs* that all you needed?

Seth: Yeah. I'll see you later.

Sasha: *hangs up* See you handsome~

???: Oh That was Just PAINFUL!

Sasha: oh Shut up.

Finn: Who?

Sasha: nothing Finn!

Finn: Okay... Well, I'm just waiting for Bayley to get ready. She & I are going on a date.

Sasha just suddenly Realized Bayley was no longer on the couch with her.

Sasha: wow, she's fast.

Bayley: Finny! I'm ready 🤗

Finn: okay. See you later Sasha. Tell Seth I said hi.

Bayley: Bye Bestie 🤗

Finn & Bayley leave.

???: what was That about Seth being handsome 😉

Sasha: Ugh Shut Up.


Sasha: uhhh voice?


Sasha: This isn't funny.

She decides the Voice is gone and decides to Go on a Walk.

Suddenly, She is Surrounded by.........Ninjas?!?

(Damn that doesn't make any sense 🤣)

There were 8 black ninjas & 1 Red one.

Red: Hello Ms. Banks. It is I, ZUBASHI The Blood Red Ninja!!

Sasha: how do you know my name?

Zubashi: Don't Tell me you've forgotten already?

Sasha: What?

Zubashi: Wel-

Ninja: Master.

Zubashi: Ugh. What?!?

Ninja: I know what you're about to do.

Zubashi: oh yeah and what am I gonna do?

Ninja 2: you're gonna show a flashback of you and Sasha being friends.

Ninja 3: then she Betrayed you in a silly way.

Ninja 4: then it turns out you two were never actually friends.

Ninja: in short master, you're about to make an ass out of yourself.

Zubashi: I'll be the judge of My Ass. Ninjas, ATTACK!!

Sasha Had no back up. Seth, Finn or Even Bayley of all people wasn't Anywhere near her & she can't call them.

Sasha Started fighting ninjas which was.... Actually pretty easy.

Until Zubashi Drop Kicked her in the head.

Zubashi: Now, YOU WILL DIE!!!

???: If anyone's doing that it's ME!!

The Voice was back but... It sounded... Closer...

Zubashi: YOU!!

Sasha: no....

A Man appears from behind the Trees and it Turns out to be....

Sasha: MrRollins2?!?!?!?!

MrRollins2: Yes it's a long story but the quick answer is I Am BACK! I'll tell you everything you want to know. Right after I'm done dealing with this treacherous punk!

Sasha: You Two Work Together?!

MrRollins2: USED to. Why don't you just Run Along for a bit & let Mom & Dad talk here mkay?

Sasha gets up & Hides Behind a Tree.

Zubashi: Looks like you came back faster than expected.

MrRollins2: Moron! I already came back the moment Joe Released the Trailer on instagram.

Zubashi: Whatever, I am much stronger than you!

MrRollins2: You? Stronger? I Damn Near KILLED The Main Cast BY MYSELF, you could barely beat ass with an Army of BLACK BELT NINJAS!

Zubashi: I'm going to fight you now Myself, to prove once and for all, who is the master.

Music: Solarium by Max Anson

MrRollins2: Ugh well It's not gonna be much of a fight but looks like I'm going to have to kill you anyway.

Zubashi: Do Try.

MrRollins2 snaps his fingers and Zubashi is now frozen.


He Takes his chances and Kicks zubashi into Space & he crashes into the Sun.

MrRollins2: looks like you were only Second Rate After All... Now where Are you Sasha? I have some explaining to do. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

End of Chapter

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