The Voice

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Sasha was Hanging out with Bayley and Finn while waiting for Seth to return from work.

Bayley: I love playing Just Dance 3

(Yeah I know it's an old game but it's the only one I remember, plus it works for Bayley)

Sasha: *whispers to Finn* wait till she finds out what half the songs are actually about.

Finn: You Wouldn't Dare.

Sasha: of course I wouldn't. You better not either.

Bayley: Yay!!! New high score! 😊🤗

She starts jumping around and celebrating like a little kid.

Sasha: Congratulations Bayley

???: Yes congratulations on that Really Amazing-ly stupid dance.

Bayley: who said that?

Sasha: you can hear that too?

Bayley: Yes.

???: You can? Shit!

Bayley: who are you?

???: In due time. I think you should be more concerned with your husband. He's on his way here right now.

Bayley: Really? 😊

???: of COURSE not you dumb bitch!

Bayley: 😞

Sasha: You've Violated The Sacred Code!!!!

???: The What?



Sasha: Hello?

Bayley: is... He... It.... Gone?

Sasha: I think?

Finn: Hey Everyone.

Bayley: FINNY!!! *Hugs him* 🤗

Sasha gets a Text From Seth.

Seth 💪👅👍: I know how were gonna hang out again.

Sasha 😉: Explain then Seth.

Seth 💪👅👍: Perhaps maybe a Round of golf.

Sasha 😉: You're on!

(Yes they're big sports fans in this book)

Sasha & Seth Agree to meet up for Golf tomorrow.

(A/N: I haven't played Golf in So Damn Long. So I might forget a few rules)

End of Chapter

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