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Sasha Was on a Walk around the park and Found Seth At The Park's Gym.

(A/N: My park Actually Does have a gym)

Sasha: Hey Seth 😊

Seth: *breathing heavy* Hey Sasha.

Sasha: I didn't know this place had a gym.

Seth: Me Neither Until Now.

Dean: Okay Seth I Found The 45s

Seth: Great Put Them On.

Dean Puts them on the Bar.

Sasha: this place has weights.

Dean: nah, I brought these from my place. Here have a go.

Sasha: um... Okay. I think I can.

She Lifts up the weight with no effort & both boys are amazed.

Seth: 😱

Sasha: This is easy. Have a go Seth.

Seth: Heh. I got this.

Seth uses a ton of energy into lifting it.

Sasha (Thoughts): told you guys he's a beast.

Sasha: alright, let's all go home and rest.

Dean: not me, I got hoes to get.

Seth: oh yeah, like what hoes?

Dean: you'll know.... Never.

Seth: Whatever, you'll probably get lucky for about a minute.


3 minutes later....

Seth & Sasha Walk back to Sasha's place While Dean was getting his "hoes"

Seth: ladies first.

Sasha: okay, go ahead 😂

Seth: 😂😂 okay that was funny.

Sasha walks in first & Seth Follows.

Sasha: so what do you want to do now?

Seth: *Dean voice* You.

Sasha: wut?

Seth: Wut?

Sasha: nothing 😂

Meanwhile, 2 people were watching.

Bayley: They're So Cute 😊

Finn: I can tell Sasha has the hots for Seth.

Bayley: The.... Hots?🤨

Finn: nevermind. I say we try getting them together.

Bayley: Okay 😊

The two kissed & ran back to their place (3 miles).

End of Chapter

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