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After frisk freeing the monsters from the underground, She asked Toriel if she could go back inside to do something for a bit. Toriel allowed her to go but she told her not to take her too long. After back to the beginning to the bed of flowers, the place where frisk first fell into the underground. When she arrived, she saw chara  just sitting there being sad about letting frisk to let go of her. ''Frisk you're back, aren't you gonna go with your new family?'' Chara said, Frisk really wanted to save both Chara and asriel but she knew Chara goes first. ''Frisk, you know there isn't any other way to save me so just move on without me'' Chara said. ''No i won't, i won't go until i actually save everyone'' Frisk said. ''Frisk, i know you're determined but there's isn't any other way'' Chara sighed. Frisk led out her soul and told chara she had an idea. She said this is the only way to save her. She ripped her soul in half and fell to the ground, ''FRISK!, FRISK! WAKE UP PLEASE, ARE YOU OK? PLEASE TALK TO ME'' Chara yelled at frisk while she was unconscious. Frisk slowly woke up and saw her soul being ripped in half, ''You actually did it'' Chara said, Frisk gave half of her soul to Chara. Chara finally has her own physical body again, Frisk ran and hugged her and glad it worked. ''Frisk...., i....i can't thank you how much for this, you had to sacrifice half of your life just for me'' Chara said, ''I'm just glad it work, that i was able to save you'' Frisk said then gave a light punch on Chara's arm, ''Ow, what the-?'' Chara said in pain while rubbing her arm since she hasn't had a physical body for a really long time. ''Oh, sorry i didn't know it really hurt you that bad'' Frisk said in panic feeling guilty about it, ''it's okay, it just feels weird rather than it being painful since i haven't felt physical pain in a very long time'' giggled Chara. Frisk then asked if she's ready to go to the surface with her, Chara felt a bit nervous since she's gonna see toriel and asgore again. What's she most nervous about is sans, since she thinks he still really hates her from the past timeline. After being ready to go, Frisk almost forgot about asriel. ''Chara, can me search for flowey?'' Frisk asked to chara, Chara went in silence for a bit then replied to her ''sure c'mon let's find him'', After not a lot of time searching for flowey. Frisk found him just sitting on another bed of flowers next to a tree feeling depressed and lonely. Flowey heard something behind him and looked back really fast, he saw it was frisk, ''Frisk, don't you have anything better to do?'' Flowey sighed, Then he saw someone behind frisk and saw it was Chara, ''Hey azzy'' Chara said nervously. Flowey burst into tears because she still remembers him, Frisk told Flowey that they can save him too. Flowey began to hesitate weather stay or go with them, After many denials he finally accepts to go with both frisk and Chara, Frisk took off one of her boot and put flowey in it in order to carry him with them. After finally reaching the surface, everyone looked in shocked when they saw chara alive again. ''Hi mom, Hi dad'' Chara cried, Toriel and asgore burst into tears and hugged chara showing how much they missed her. Sans on the other hand was uncomfortable with the Situation, ''Heya kiddo not trying to be mean here but what is SHE doing here?'' Sans asked. ''Sans...., i know she did a lot of bad things in the past but i was the one who made her forced me to kill everyone in the past timeline, so it was my fault even though she forced me to kill everyone, can you at least give her a second chance?'' frisk said. ''heh fine, whatever makes you happy kiddo'' Sans said in relieve. Everyone reunited into the family but frisk knew there's one person she has to save left but she's not really to them the truth yet and so does chara.

Everyone lived in a house enough for the whole family, Chara and frisk shares a room with 3 beds, one for frisk, one for chara and one for Flowey. After a few days later, Frisk walked in the room being sad about something. ''Frisk, is everything okay?'' Flowey said, ''Flowey?, there's something important we really need to talk about'' She replied, She sat on her bed facing flowey, ''Asriel....'' Frisk sighed, flowey became emotional when frisk said his true name then stayed silent and waits for frisk to say something, ''I don't think we have to hide this anymore, everyone has to know who you really are, you can't stay like this and maybe Alphys can help you by creating an artificial soul and you could be yourself again, i know you think you might break mom and dad's heart again and those timelines you killed me a thousand times but the past is the past, and we're gonna be happy to see you again too so.............asriel.......can it?......for your dear sister?'' frisk said in tears while smiling to flowey. Flowey became more sad but he finally accepted doing things her way. After frisk finally confessing to everyone that Flowey was Asriel but he was soulless, Everyone was as shocked as when they saw chara alive again, Chara then walk to frisk and told her ''I'm glad you were brave enough to tell the truth''. She smiled to frisk which cheered her up and made her smile too. A few hours later, Alphys came to tell frisk and chara the good news and the bad news, the good news is that she might be able to make an artificial soul for asriel, but the bad news is that she is unsure if its gonna work or not. Alphys spend a few hours of her time working on the artificial soul. After alphys being finished with the artificial soul, she hands it to flowey. Flowey closed his eyes wishing for it to work, when he touched the soul it made a big flash making everyone have to cover their eyes. After the flash, Everyone was really surprised that it actually worked. ''H-Howdy......guys'' Asriel said nervously, Frisk and Chara ran to asriel hugging him extremely tightly. '''re hugging me too tight, ah i-i can't breathe'' Asriel laughed while being hugged to death to the point where he was able to breathe. Toriel and asgore came in to hugged him too and finally reunited as a family. Frisk became asriel and chara's new adopted sister, Sans and papyrus became their new uncles, Undyne and alphys became their new aunts.

You see it too, don't you? (Undertale Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang