Chapter 12

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It was monday and Xiao Zhan was chilling with his friends in the cafeteria he was still contemplating whether to tell them about his pregnancy or not. Coming into conclusion he decided not to, he was scared that they might jugde him and feel disgusted by him.

He was just in his own world, just looking at his friends who were conversing not paying attention to what they were saying as they were too engrossed in Xingchens whining telling them how Xue Yang the school playboy is hitting on him. He was pulled out by his ringing phone in the train of thoughts.

He stood up went a bit far from his friends after seeing the caller ID.

"Baobei..." Xiao Zhan said as he blushed.

"My future hubby... my beautiful fiance. Mother of my bundle of joy. How are you doing today." A voice of a man could be heard on the other line.

"Ohhh...stop it Bo Bo. I'm blushing already and my cheeks are beginning to hurt." Xiao Zhan said as he giggled.

"Awww my wifey is so cute... so tell me, how is our little one there?" Yibo asked excitement could be head in his voice.

"Ahhhh... he's doing fine. Just missing his daddy's presence that all." Xiao Zhan said as he rubbed his unnoticeable protruding stomach.

"Mmmhh... wifey how about I fetch you today. Plus it been long since I spent some quality time with you." Yibo pleaded.

"Mmmm okay. I don't see harm in that. I'll wait for you then since my last class is by 3pm. By 4pm it will be out." Zhan said.

"Okay Wifey. I'll be there. What shall I bring you.?"

"Nothing. Just bring me you yourself here. That is enough for me." Zhan said.

"Okay wifey. I love you to infinity and beyond."

"And I love you more than you can count."

"Okay wifey. Gotta go back to work now."

"Mmm... go on... or and by the way, can you buy me sour worms? I'm craving for them today." Zhan said as he looked at the ring in his left hand. It a miracle that his friends haven't noticed it since he's not planning on telling them himself.

"Whoaaa Zhan. Since when do you like my favourites sweets?" Yibo asked as he chuckled on the other line.

"I don't... your son does bye." With that he dropped the call and went back to his friends who didn't even notice he wasn't there.

He plopped himself down and joined the conversation.

"Guys what are you talking about?" Inquired Zhan.

"Ohhh... we are just listening to Xingchen on how Xue Yang told his father(Xingchens father) that he loves his son." Replied Wen Ning.

"Ohhh..." Zhan made an O shape with his mouth.

"So as I was saying that he followed me last friday to my home, while I kept telling him to piss off but he didn't budge instead he kept shouting 'I Love You Xiao Xingchen' but I just ignored him till I reached home. I was surpred to see that my parents were already back but I was happy because it been two weeks since I last saw them."

"I quickly went in and Pa was sitting in a couch busy in his laptop when I jumped on him and hugged him. My mother then appeared on the kitchen and she embraced us. And that is when my father darted his eyes to the silhouette that was standing infront of the door quiet. He then asked who he was and that is when I turned my back and was shocked to realise that Xue Yang followed me home. I told Pa that he was my friend but Xue Yang and his big mouth said he was Xue Yang and is my pursuer. He loves me and he is here to ask permission from my parents and guess what happened after that guys.?" Xingchen asked as he chuckled at what happened that day.

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