Chapter 1

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The Battle of the Spade Kingdom had ended.

The door to the underworld was closed, Yami and William were saved, and The Dark Triad defeated.

But at the cost of one's life...

     ____________(30 mins earlier)____________
Asta P.O.V

I had just finished the fight with the twin devils, Lillith and Naamah.After the fight ended, so did my Devil Union. I was fresh out of energy when a certain plant mage rushed to me.

"Asta!" She called.

Mimosa ran to me, with a look of concern.

"Mimosa?" I said.

"Asta! Are you okay? Does It hurt anywhere?"

"Im fine-"

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in the wound on my right rib, probably because of the injury i got in the fight.

"Okay, maybe not" I stated

"Here, let me heal you." She said

Plant Magic: Princess healing flower robe

Slowly, I gain back my energy and I feel refreshed.

"Thanks Mimosa." I said with a smile

"You're welcome" She smiles back

Suddenly, an explosion comes from the castle, then I hear someone laughing.

"What was that?" I ask

"It was probably Dante." Nacht stated

"What?! I defeated him, Im sure of it!"

Then a huge boulder floated near the hole Dante created.

"Sir Nacht, help the others. I'll deal with dante" I said as I transformed in my Union mode

"Sure, be careful."

"I will"

I rushed to the hole and got imside the castle. I saw Dante, floating above Captain Jack. He then turned to me with a look of shock. The look of shock then turned into a grin.

"Well, isn't this a surprise! I get to fight you again" He said as he creates a sword with stone.

"Say, what is your name, brat?" He asks

"Name's Asta, remember that name when you die." I said with anger.

"Lets see how much you've improved, Asta."


Hey guys! This is my first story, so forgive any mistakes I have made.

Let me know if you guys liked this so far!

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