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Monty: ! ... *He pull Georgie closer to him* Um, d-do you wanna play it, or do you want me to...?


Mono: ! *He holds onto Jax, in fear of being dropped or thrown*


Bendy: Eh..? W-Will...? *He bounces on his lap a bit* Wh-Why'd ya stop...?


Henry: E-Eh~! *He smiles a bit, rubbing Norman' back* 


Shula: (Same thing Shula said)


Yuri: Anyway, we should get to the club-room...!

?????: Okay. Well, I'm going to the gaming club then. See you later. (<--This him! This ya boi! The gamer boi! I've DRAWN HIM FINALLY-)

Yuri: *She nods and gives him a small wave* Goodbye, Kaede...! 

?????: {"Goodbye"...? Maybe because it's Friday...} *He leaves*


Fuku: ! *She smiles* Th-Thank you...!


Cuphead: ! Uh, sure, if you want me to. I'm a Toon though, so I'll just make you look bad in public.


Billy: I s-s-somehow doubt that =~=

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