Its oke i must tell you the super duper important thing tomorrow then TwT

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Sherman: *He smiles*

Georgie: *Somehow managed to find a stream and followed his boat down it*


Joey: No teachers suck. I'm a professor UwU


William: *he smiles, giggling a bit*


Norman: H-Henryyy!~ *He bites his finger a bit harder*


Kyle: *He chuckles, and twirls her* Thanks, you're smile is adorable y'know.


Alice: *She sits next to her, waiting patiently*


Cyclone: Your blush is adorable~


Crash: *His eyes sparkle and his tail wags when he sees a special shiny ball* {Ball! :0} *He reaches to grab it*

Mabel: Pft Dipper's just a party pooper! *She slides over* C'mon Dip, you can do that weird dorky stuff you do and write about him or something!


Penny: You gonna be in a poly with him now, Billy-boy?~ *It chuckles, laughing* His heart would be CRUSHED if he knew you knew, and rejected him for it!


Blimpy: *He smiles and nods, bouncing excitedly*

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