The Beginning

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The second he walks through his front door he can hear the faint sound of an alarm clock in his bedroom buzzing. "Ugh not again, I pulled another all-nighter." He ignores this and heads straight to the shower. After a nice shower he turns off his alarm closes his blinds and lays right down in his bed. Which to him right now is the most comfortable place in the universe. Just as he's about to drift into a deep sleep his front door opens with a yell from his old friend Kise. "KUROKOCCHI GUESS WHO!" He barges in to Kuroko's room only to receive a sight worse then Akashi when he's mad. "Kise-kun, if you don't leave in the next five seconds the press will have a memorial service for you later."he said with a dark aura surrounding him. "Eek, sorry sorry but I have a good reason to be here." Just as he finishes his sentence another friend of Kuroko's walks in, Akashi. He sits at the end of the bed and says "Tetsuya, I called Ryota here so please don't kill him yet." "Yet?!" Kise squeaks. Akashi ignores this and begins to state why he is there so early. "Tetsuya we here because you have another job to take care of." "I'm listening" Kuroko yawns. "Well you see we need you to travel abroad again and take care of a business promotion; of course Ryota here will be the face of the job. We always need a pretty face to have a 'sure-fire' promotion" He says with a mischievous smirk plastering his face. "Akashi-kun you do know that I just came home from England last week and I haven't had a full nights rest since." He says slightly angry and slightly tired. "Of course I know this Tetsuya that's why you are off till it's time to leave. Which means your free to sleep, eat, and pack, to your hearts content." He smiles. "Ugh fine if you have a file for me leave it on my kitchen counter and take Kise-kun and leave before I throw him out." "Kurokocchi" Kise whines "I thought we were friends how could you be so cold." Kuroko glares at him "I'm cold because this is the second time this week you've broke into my house and have woken me up after I pulled an all-nighter." Kise gulps and bows his head slightly  "Sorry Kurokocchi, I'll try not to yell next time." Seeing that Kise looks truly sorry for yelling so much, Kuroko sighs and says he forgives him. Akashi stands up and gestures for Kise to leave saying "all the information will be on your counter please look through it again for more details." All he gets is a simple hand wave and a grunt; which he takes as a goodbye, I will. He leaves with Kise following looking like he wants to say something. "Ryota if there is something you want to say then say it." Kise hesitates then eventually gives in and asks " Akashicchi, are you sure it's a good idea to send him to Paris. You do know who's there right what if 'he' sees him." "Well then Ryota, we might just have a better story then we originally thought." "Whatever you say Akashicchi."

10 hours later

"Nngh" Kuroko wakes up and looks at his alarm clock. It reads 4:47 p.m. He jumps up quickly and starts to freak out thinking he's missed a bunch of meetings until he vaguely remembers the conversation from the morning and how he doesn't have to work. He calms down and decides to get dressed and heads to the kitchen for some food. Just some toast and eggs he decides and as he begins to make his breakfast he sees a red folder on his counter. He opens it and begins to glance through it as his food cooks. He sees reports about the promotion, apparently Akashi is thinking of opening another company branch, this time in Paris, and wants to use Kise as the face of it because he's finally become popular enough world wide. Akashi wants a major party in the new building with the biggest business benefactors we have in France. He wants a full buffet course with the best French pastry set that you could possibly buy. "He always did like leaving big impressions especially if he wasn't going to be there" Kuroko thought. He kept reading and saw that he was in charge for everything. Planning the food, planning the decorations, planning who was gonna be there, everything. He is given one month to make everything perfect and in the middle of the second month Kise would be there to practice what he needed to do during the party. Ever since Kuroko started working with Akashi and his company, he has been given all kinds of responsibilities from setting Kise up to have a permanent, successful, acting and modeling career to opening up another Akashi corporation in America. He was used to assignments like these but most of the time when it was opening another company or helping another company Akashi was always involved. Now it's just Kuroko (with Kise of course but he's not that big of a help). Paris. All alone in Paris. Kuroko stops messing with his breakfast and thinks about a very tall old friend of his from middle school and high school. He remembers his long purple hair and tall stature. He remembers Murasakibara Atushi the giant of his middle school basketball team the Generation of Miracles. Ever since they all graduated from high school each of them went their separate ways. Aomine went to America to play basketball in the NBA and he surprisingly got on the same team as Kagami. Midorima became a well known doctor with Takao as his head nurse. Himuro became a professor at one of the leading universities in Japan. Kise of course became a model but decided that he also wanted to try acting; which he was very good at. Akashi took over his father's business and made it tens times more profitable then before and of course he needed people he could trust to help run his companies. So, he called on Kuroko to help him out and Kuroko agreed. Somewhere along the lines of high school he decides he wasn't going to do basketball professionally, instead he would just play it randomly like on little teams in a public event or for fun. Only two of his friends decided they would do basketball professionally. Which leaves Murasakibara. He decided to become a chef and a pastry chef of his own restaurant. This caused him to move to one of the best schools in Paris, France to study. Le Cordón Bleu. Since the classes were difficult he stopped calling and writing as much to everyone. Since everyone else also had work to do they stopped calling as well. Only those who had stayed in Japan really talked to each other, but it was rare. Kuroko felt sad for a moment thinking about how everyone used to laugh and hangout with each other throughout middle school and high school and now they barely even spoke. But then he smiled thinking about how he was going to Paris and how he would be able to visit his friend. He couldn't wait to see Murasakibara again. Just as he thought that he smelled something burning and realized he burnt his toast. "Of course, it's always me."

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