Sleeping Together

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When Kuroko woke up the first thing he noticed was that he was snuggled into two large arms. He looked up and was immediately met with a face full of long purple hair. Kuroko wasn't used to the fact that Murasakibara's hair was so long. He usually keep his hair at shoulder length or slightly below because he said it was too annoying to have real long; but now his hair went past his shoulder blades almost to the middle of his back. Kuroko starred at him for some time before he smiled and snuggled back into Murasakibara's arms. He didn't care that he might seem like a school girl, he was just happy to see his friend. Murasakibara was the one person Kuroko got along with the most off the court. On they court they didn't agree at all but off the court Murasakibara was practically glued to Kuroko. Kuroko was the first person Murasakibara actually shared his snacks with; always saying things like "Kuro-chin~ your too small" or "Kuro-chin~ eat candy like me and you'll grow big" at first Kuroko thought he was insulting him but he quickly realized that it was just his way of showing he cared for Kuroko. Murasakibara would also watch Kuroko a lot to make sure he didn't collapse because he did once when they had to do a punish run together and it scared Murasakibara. If Kuroko looked too tired he would literally pick him up away from Aomine and Kise and would sit with him against the wall feeding him snacks and water until he felt better. Kuroko was used to being in Murasakibara's arms in fact he was the only person Kuroko felt safe enough to sleep next to. Murasakibara was big, warm, and comforting like a real life teddy bear.

Kuroko loves Murasakibara.

*Wait...* Kuroko thought. *I love Murasakibara? Yeah as a friend.*  A friend. That word stuck with Kuroko for some reason. He didn't think friend was the right word and he didn't know why. Of course he couldn't think about it long because eventually Murasakibara moved a little making Kuroko jump from his thoughts. "Kuro-chin?" Murasakibara looked dazed and Kuroko chuckled about how he was like a little kid when he wakes up. Suddenly, Kuroko was pulled closer to Murasakibara and was forced into a kiss. Not anything too passionate just a simple peck; it lasted no more than a couple of seconds and Murasakibara was back asleep lightly snoring. Kuroko was shocked. *Murasakibara-kun kissed me* he thought *Why? He must've been mistaken right like a dream or something? But he said my name....* Kuroko's face turned so red you'd have no idea that he was originally quite pale. Kuroko buried his head in Murasakbara's chest again to escape his embarrassment only to cause it to grow worse.

1-2 hours later

Murasakibara woke up and noticed a smaller male cuddling his chest seemingly sleeping the only way he knew he was awake was that his ears were a light pink and he was moving; constantly gripping and ungripping Murasakibara's shirt. "Kuro-chin? You alright?" Kuroko jumped in Murasakibara's arms not realizing that he had woken up. "Um..Y-yeah perfectly fine"  he cleared his throat "Did you have a good sleep Murasakibara-kun?" Murasakibara didn't trust that Kuroko was fine but he brushed it off. "Yeah~ it was nice how bout you~" "Me too...." he paused causing Murasakibara to tilt his head slightly. "What did you dream about?" This time is was Murasakibara's turn to pause. How could he tell Kuroko that he was dreaming about him!? "Uhh.. I was dreaming about... Some cotton candy I brought home yesterday!" This wasn't entirely a lie because he always compared Kuroko to cotton candy and he brought him home yesterday so Murasakibara thought it was good enough. "Oh I see..." Kuroko said with a little bit of disappointment in his voice; but not enough for Murasakibara to notice. Murasakibara finally realized that he had his arms tightly wrapped around Kuroko's body, holding him like he was some kind of body pillow. He quickly let go and apologized only to receive a small it's alright as a response. They both got up off the couch and Kuroko asked where the bathroom was while Murasakibara asked what he wanted for breakfast. After that was decided they both went their separate ways, one to the bathroom, one to the kitchen, not speaking except in small responses or mumbles. Eventually they sat at the table and started eating breakfast both inwardly cursing at Akashi and themselves for the awkward silence that has surrounded the table. After breakfast Kuroko leaves to get his room key while Murasakibara stays with Nigou. For once he wasn't following Kuroko. Instead he climbed into Murasakibara's lap and decided to snuggle with him, giving him comfort as Nigou realized what Murasakibara was thinking about. "You know you don't have to stay with me." Nigou just whined slightly and cuddled closer. Nigou loved Murasakibara as far as he was concerned Murasakibara was his second owner. Murasakibara gave him treats a lot when he was a puppy. He also picked him up a lot and constantly cuddled him which is one of Nigou's favorite things to do. Nigou knew Murasakibara was a good person and he knew Murasakibara used to be in love with Kuroko; he knew he still was. Nigou continued to somewhat comfort Murasakibara until Kuroko came back with the room key. "I got the key, the lady that gave it to me apologized almost a million times for the fact that I couldn't sleep in my room." "Hehe yeah she's always been like that it's the other lady that's a pain, constantly complaining and yelling at me that I don't get out enough for my age." He pouted which made Kuroko start to giggle. "Well they seem like nice people, I'm glad." "Huh~ what for Kuro-chin?" "Because it sounds like they took care of you or at least kept you company. I wouldn't know what to do if I found out that you were lonely or couldn't rely on anyone." Murasakibara paused causing Kuroko to continue. "Honestly when you stopped calling or sending letters I got worried thinking something happened to you, but Akashi-kun said he still talked to you every now and then and said you were perfectly fine just very busy..." he trailed off looking down at the ground with a sad expression.  This hurt Murasakibara's heart, he wrapped him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry Kuro-chin I didn't mean to make you worry I promise I won't do it again." "It's fine Murasakibara-kun, I'm just glad your alright." They hugged until both of them became embarrassed for holding on to each other for so long. Like two lovers who have been separated but were brought back together. Kuroko coughed "Well I'm gonna go get settled how about me and you eat dinner together later." "Yeah that sounds good; how about I cook?" "That sounds nice, so maybe 7:30 I'll be over?" "7:30 it is. See you later Kuro-chin~" "See you!" Kuroko gets into his room and immediately sits against the door. Over in Murasakibara's room he does the exact same thing. *Its like a date almost...* They both think simultaneously. *I'm.....excited....*

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