Good News Bad News

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BAM BAM BAM! "MARIE, AMELIE OPEN THE DOOR!" Murasakibara is now standing outside Marie and Amelie's house doors banging loudly. Marie suddenly opens the door, "WHAT'DA WANT BRAT! STOP BANGING SO LOUDLY!" Amelie then pushes Marie out of the way and starts talking so fast it's surprising anyone could understand her, "Oh my god, Oh my god, OH MY GOD... tell me everything that happened. Did you confess!? Did HE confess!? Are you dating now!? Please tell me you are!" "Amelie, calm down let the boy breathe." "Says the one who was yelling at him a few seconds ago! And besides I want to know! He's a real life soap opera." "I'll tell you everything Amelie just give me a second to process." Marie looks around nervously "Why don't you come inside brat, I don't think we should be discussing everything that happens in our lives out in the open." After Murasakibara explains everything that happened at dinner Amelie is excited and practically jumping up and down but Marie is absolutely silent. " Oh my, I can't believe it, this is great! He's not dating anyone and he could have feelings for you!.... We need to set up a date!... Marie we need to set them up a date! They can go to the Louvre, oh how I love the Louvre and... Marie are you even listening !?" Marie who has been silent the whole time suddenly jumps. Looking startled she replies "of course I'm always listening to you" Suddenly Amelie and Murasakibara are no longer focused on their discussion instead they focus on the nervous Marie. For a strong willed woman like her to look so nervous you'd think she was trying to propose or something. "Is everything alright you don't look too good." "Hmm I'm fine kid just was thinkin a bit don't worry about me and tell me are you going man up and ask him out?" "I would like too but he said that he might like someone." "You." They said together. "No it could be anyone! There were so many people around him that were much closer to him than I was. Mine-chin, Kise-chin, and Kaga-chin are perfect examples and those are just the ones I know about. We haven't seen each other in years for all I know he could have someone else." "No offense darling but sometimes you overthink too much." "She's callin you dumb you moron." "Witch." "Now now both of you stop. And sweetheart I truly think you should take a chance. I have a feeling that you're the one he's talking about. I mean he made sure that you specifically would know when he made up his mind. If it had nothing to do with you he wouldn't have said that. For now though if you still feel unsure try him out a bit. Make him fall for you. You have plenty of time. Besides he just got here and you already have so much information and you even had a date." "As always you're the best Amelie." "And she's always right. Remember that. Now go in you have work tomorrow. Both at your job and at your love life. Go. Sleep." Marie who is half the size of Murasakibara forces off the couch and out the door. "Alright Alright I'm going stop shoving. I'll see you tomorrow you old lady." "That the best insult you got brat my mother can do better than that and she's dead. Now go shoo." After making sure Murasakibara was far enough away she closed the door and turned to Amelie. "We need to talk. Now." "What's wrong dear you haven't been looking good for awhile now." "I wanted to keep this to myself because I didn't want to worry you but with the boys here.... We need to protect them." "Protect them? Protect them for what?" " Him. Percevel Tasse. I saw him a couple days ago and earlier today when you were out to grab something and the boys were having dinner. You know how he is that snobby prick. He wanted this place again and when I said no he threatened to use our relationship against our reputation and get everyone to leave. To be honest I wouldn't pay much mind to him but you know his views on same sex couples I'm just afraid if he finds out about the boys he'll try to ruin their lives to get to us and I don't want that. Those boys deserve to be happy." "Marie sweetheart you should have told me sooner if I had known..... anyway you're right we need to do something about him because those boys don't deserve his cruelty. They're young and that man is good at hurting others. Even if he doesn't use them against us, if he finds out about Murasakibara's preferences in partners, he'll do everything in his power to destroy his career. We need to come up with a plan and talk to the boys; we need them to know about him so they can be cautious." "Yes you're right as always for now let's head to bed and in the morning we'll get the boys together before they go to work and explain that maniacal bastard and his schemes to them."

Meanwhile in car driving down the road is a man smirking with delight at some new information he just so happened to have overheard.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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