Chapter 17)

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    "Never be enough
    I'm the prodigal son..."

    (Loki's POV)

    It's a few hours until Tenshi leaves Mother's chambers. I start spinning a web on the wall in my boredom as it's getting uncomfortable hanging onto the gold surface with just my eight feet. No one notices that I'm here, which makes my mission that much easier. The hall is quiet save for the occasional sneeze from the Einherji guarding the door. Gesundheit.

    Just as I have put the finishing touches on my web and am starting to doze off on a bed of my own silk, my attention is captured by a maid approaching the door. The guard lets her in after a few questions and a verification that she is there on Mother's orders. I feel a bit jealous of the maid. Of course, she gets to go in and see what they're up to, but a Prince of Asgard doesn't. Hmph!

    Considering that I have heard no new information from the exchange, I lie in wait once more. Dozing off for a few hours, I awake again to the sound of the door opening. To my joy, my eight eyes land on my darling Tenshi as she walks out wearing- wait. What?!

    Her dress is entirely gold, not her usual black and green. Her hair is styled in an Asgardian updo rather than her usual Midgard style, and her waist is thinner. Hold on. Is she wearing a corset? Why is she wearing a corset?!

    Her beautiful green eyes are glazed and she's clearly tired. I realize that I have entirely missed lunch. A slew of colorful curses in every language I know (which is a lot) runs through my mind as I scuttle off my web and follow her to her room. She nods to her guard and goes through the door once it's pushed open for her. I go in just before the heavy slab closes, narrowly avoiding getting squished.

    A maid helps her into a nightgown and I watch in surprise. As far as I know, she's never relied on a maid. I quickly avert my eight eyes as her clothing is removed. That is not something I should be seeing, yet.

    After she is clothed again, the maid leads her to the bed where she proceeds to pass out. Whatever she was doing with Mother must have taken a lot of energy. She's completely exhausted. Once the maid leaves and I'm sure she's gone, I crawl down to the floor and transform back into myself. Approaching the bed, I lay my long, lean body across her mattress, on top of her blankets, and pull her gently into my arms.

    She snuggles close immediately, making me smile as I hold her against my chest. An adorable sigh of contentment passes her lips as she slips further into slumber. I can definitely feel the difference in her breathing with that corset off and I make a mental note to hide that deathtrap as soon as possible. Her figure is perfectly fine. She doesn't need some artificial modification to make her waist smaller.

    No woman does, in this or any Realm, and why they insist upon conforming to others' opinions is beyond me. They are all perfectly beautiful just as they are.

    We rest like that for a long time before Tenshi's eyes flutter open to meet mine. "Loki!" she exclaims, surprised. I chuckle.

    "Hello, Dove. Did you sleep well?"

    She nods. "I did," she replies warmly. "When did you get here? I don't remember you coming in."

    I can't tell her that I followed her in, so I go with the next best thing. "Right after you started your nap," I lie smoothly. "The guard told me not to bother you, but I haven't gotten to hold you all day and I couldn't resist the opportunity."

    She chuckles. "Well, I'm certainly glad to see you. I missed you, too." She leans up to press a chaste kiss to my lips. Hers are soft and slightly chapped, and tiny like the rest of her.

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now