Chapter 19

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"Whip, whip, run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a rip cord..."

(Tenshi's POV)

I look up at Loki curiously. "What about?" I ask him, confused.

Loki leads me into a nearby room and closes the door. His eyes are hard again and his lips, already slender, press into a stiff line. "What was that?" he asks me.

"What was what?" I ask him, still confused. What is he talking about?

"In the Great Hall. What were you trying to do?" Loki presses.

"Oh, that? I was trying not to embarrass you," I reply. "Again."

Loki sighs. "Darling, you know you can just-"

"-be myself?" I cut him off. "No, Loki. I can't. Being myself is what caused you a problem the last time. Being *myself* tarnished your name and your public image in the eyes of the Allfather and your people. I can't be myself here, because my *self* isn't good enough. Not for the Allfather, not for your people, and not for *you*."

Loki recoils, hurt in his emerald eyes. "Do you *really* believe that?" he asks softly.

I nod. "I really believe that," I answer, shaking a little. I hate confrontations, since just socializing takes a lot of concentration and I'm already drained from dinner. Arguing with Loki? That's ten times worse.

Loki sighs. "Fine, if that's how you feel," he concedes. "I brought you up here because you're genuine. You don't hold back. I should have known you'd become as fake as everything else here."

He turns around and leaves, his verdant cape billowing behind him. I place a hand over my mouth, muffling the cry that escapes. His words cut deeper than any sword on this weirdly flat Realm. A tear threatens to fall, but I glare at a torch on the wall until it burns away. It leaves a purple spot in my vision, but it fades after a moment.

I take a moment to myself before I go to the gardens to admire the flowers. The halls are still bustling as people tidy up from dinner. I quietly pass the noblewomen in the corridors, ignoring the whispers behind my back. My hands grip my lower biceps, each on the opposite arms as I wrap them around myself. It seems I'm the only one I can trust here.

(Loki's POV)

I storm into my chambers, frustrated at everything. My reflection in my mirror catches my eyes and I approach. Before I can think about it, my knuckles slam into the glass, splintering the shiny surface and embedding tiny shards into my skin. Bright crimson blood begins to ooze from the little cuts, but I ignore it. My skin will heal in a moment, and push the shards out while it does.

I slump onto my bed, the surface of the plush mattress dipping under my weight. A heavy sigh leaves my lips. Did I drive Tenshi away? It sure seems like it. But how did she learn court etiquette so quickly? Unless...

Mother taught her.

That explains it! She'd spent the day with Mother to learn court etiquette so she could act properly in front of the court tonight. And like a complete oaf, I berated her for it! She'd made a sacrifice so I wouldn't be embarrassed, and I yelled at her instead of being grateful!

Gods, I'm such an idiot! I get out of bed and shake off the glass pieces now on top of my newly pink knuckles before changing for bed. This is mostly just removing my formal armor and breeches with seiðr and replacing them with soft pants and slippers. A shirt is just inconvenient. It rolls up and bunches under me and makes it difficult to sleep.

Besides, the sheets feel amazing on my bare skin anyway.

The sun has already set and the moon has risen. Any creature in their right mind would be heading off to sleep right now, but I'm not at all tired. Instead, I opt to read the novel on my nightstand, lighting a candle to give me light to see the runic print. The flickering, orange glow makes the shadows of my upper body dance on my blankets. In contrast, the steady silver light of the moon shining into my chambers holds the shadows of my legs and feet in sepulchral stillness.

All is calm for the storm ahead.

Author's note: Holy smokes, it's been a while since I've posted a chapter, hasn't it? I'm so sorry about that. This one is rather short, since writer's block is a b!tch and I'm just getting back into writing again. I hope all my lovely readers are doing well and having a good day.

Love to all,


Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now