Chapter 20)

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"Break me down and build me up..."


Glossy black hair flows effortlessly down a smooth back, laced tightly into a red gown that hugs a curvy figure and leaves little to the imagination. Full red lips are set into a natural pout on a pale, heart-shaped face with large, blue eyes and long, thick lashes. A star-struck guard lets the woman into the throneroom, his cheeks lit aflame with the wink she sends his way. The woman saunters in, her hips swaying as she approaches the throne and a smirk plays on her lips. She kneels before the throne, her long, shapely legs visible through the gauzy material of her dress.

Upon the throne sits the Allfather, shadowed by the dying flames in the braziers along the walls. The light catches on the golden threads of his robes, giving him an ominous gleam, not unlike that which glitters in his singular, icy blue eye. He looks down at the woman with a chuckle at her attire. "Lady Sigyn," he greets her. "How good to see you, though you're showing more than I would like."

A girlish giggle can be heard from the woman. "You summoned me, Allfather," she replies. "I couldn't say no to the King."

Odin nods approvingly. "You'll do nicely for the task I need completed."

"And what would that be, your wondrous Majesty?" Sigyn asks, batting her eyes.

"Save that for my second son," Odin replies. "You're going to need that and more to seduce him."

"Is that my task?" Sigyn inquired innocently.

Odin nods. "Yes, it is. You are the woman I intend for Loki to marry. However, he has promised himself to that Midgardian monster that he brings to dinner every night. Your task is to seduce him and make him break his vow, so that we can get her out of the way. Can you do that?"

"Child's play," Sigyn replied with a grin. "The little tramp is already insecure in her relationship with him. It's so obvious."

Odin nodded in approval once again. "Excellent. Can you start tomorrow?"


(Loki's POV)

The sun is up by the time my eyes flutter open. I sit up and immediately regret it. My neck was at an odd angle last night, and it's as stiff as a board this morning. I reach up to rub it with a groan and my eyes land on my book. Then I remember.

Oh, yeah. I was reading last night.

I make sure my bookmark is firmly in place before I swing my long legs off my mattress and get up for the day. The maid draws a bath for me to my thanks and I grab some clothes to wear. Her hair catches my eye. Glossy and smooth, it's pulled into a tail that follows her spine in a wavy black column rather than the covered chignon that our maids typically wear. Although, I can see why. It's far too long to put up without a myriad of pins.

Her hips sway as she easily carries the buckets into my bathroom and fills the tub. The water is quite hot, steam dancing on the surface. She pours it in, the water meeting the cool surface with a hiss.

I watch her as she takes the buckets out and brings back two more, filled with steaming water. She repeats the process until the bathtub is decently full. My weight will displace the rest of the water, and she knows this. She adds my favorite oils to the water - easily identifiable because the bottles are nearly empty - and approaches me.

"Your bath is ready, my Prince," she purrs. Her voice is like honey, sticky and slow. I immediately don't trust it. "Do you need some help with your garments?"

"Thank you, but no," I reply, beginning to undress. I can feel her eyes on my back and feel a bit self conscious. "I can take it from here."

She nods and bows low, showing me a generous helping of skin on her chest. "As you wish, my Prince. Enjoy your bath." With that, she slips out and I breathe a sigh of relief.

My mind turns to Tenshi as I begin to wash my hair. She'd gone to Mother for ettiquette lessons so as not to embarrass me, a fact that I am ashamed to admit that I find flattering. But she doesn't have to change herself for me! I fell for her because of who she naturally was, sweet and kind and tenacious. Not what she's trying to turn herself into.

I briefly imagine Tenshi as a proper court lady. She would have to defer to men all the time, not just to me. The tight dresses and corsets would be torture for her. Being forced to contribute to shallow conversations? Ha, forget it!

She'd never make it as a court lady! She'd crack under having the will of others topping hers, there's no way she'd wear a corset, and she's far too deep a thinker for shallow minutiae! I relax in the water, satisfied with my assessment. Tenshi won't be able to change herself. Not for long.

At least, I hope...

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now