Chapter 18)

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    "I was born to run,
    I was born for this..."

    (Loki's POV)

    I wait in the hall for Tenshi to come out of her chambers. In my boredom, I begin to pick at my cuticles. It's a bad habit, but I haven't had any reason to break it.

    The sound of a clearing throat pulls me from my thoughts and I look up. My breath catches in my chest at the vision before me.

    Tenshi looks stunning.

    Remembering myself, I bow and take her hand to kiss her knuckles. She curtsies as I bring it to my lips, the perfect depth for my rank. Since when did she ever pay reverence to me? She doesn't have to. She's my intended!

    "You look captivating, love," I tell her warmly. She blushes.

    "You flatter me, your Highness," she replies.

    "I'm telling the truth. No one will be able to take their eyes off you tonight."

    Before she can reply, Thor meets us in the corridor. "Ah, Brother!" he greets me jovially. He clasps the back of my neck in that age old gesture of brotherly affection. I flinch, but manage to stand my ground. He should know by now that after spending a year with Thanos, I am not overly fond of being touched.

    Except by Tenshi. There is that exception.

    Thor doesn't notice and slings an arm over my shoulders to lead me to dinner, leaving Tenshi behind. I reach back for her, but Thor tightens his grip and Sif links her arm with Tenshi's. I sigh in defeat and let Thor drag me away.

    (Tenshi's POV)

    Sif's muscular arm threads through mine as Thor leads Loki off. She chuckles at the brothers. "Thor thinks the world of Loki," she tells me. "He always wants to spend time with him nowadays, but he's always hiding away."

    "Probably because the Morons Three keep trying to get him drunk," I grumble. Sif laughs.

    "That's mostly Volstagg," she replies, amused. "Fandral is the flirt in the bunch, and Hogunn doesn't really care either way."

    "You'd think Fandral would learn to take a hint," I mutter. Sif shakes her head.

    "Thor's been ready to knock his block off because he keeps flirting with me," she says, sighing. "I just wish Thor would hurry up and make it official that we're courting. Subtlety isn't his strongsuit, nor is it mine."

    "Why don't you do it, then?" I ask her curiously, looking up at her. "You've already busted one gender norm, why not kill another one?"

    "Because the Allfather only let me be a warrior when I proved myself in combat," Sif answers. "A woman asking a guy to court her in front of the entire Realm isn't done. Women here aren't supposed to be bold, we're supposed to be quiet and obedient."

    "But you're not quiet and obedient," I protest. "You disregarded public opinion and followed your dream once. You can do it again, and those people who don't like it can shove a dagger up their butts!"

    Sif looks down at me. "I like you," she tells me with a grin. "You're a breath of fresh air compared to the stuffy noble ladies here, and there's only so many times you can watch a group of warrior boys get drunk off their butts before it gets old."

    "Well then, maybe we should hang out sometime," I offer. "The Allmother only needs me for a few more days, and then I'm free to wreak havoc at court."

    "Wreak havoc? Who's wreaking havoc?" Volstagg asks, approaching us with Fandral and Hogunn.

    "And can I come with you?" Fandral asks. "Such a beautiful lady as yourself surely needs protection." I look up at him.

    "Fandral, the only one needing protection is you. How else do you maintain that lofty ego?"

    Loki snickers up ahead.

    Fandral places a dramatic hand over his heart. "You wound me, my lady."

    "Good, that was the intention." Sif laughs loudly.

    "Loki, I think you've met your match!" she calls to him.

    Loki finally breaks out of Thor's grip and comes back to me. He takes my hand as we arrive in front of the doors to the Great Hall. Thor escorts Sif in ahead of us and the Morons -- sorry, Warriors -- Three bring up the rear. I straighten my spine and set my shoulders as my hand finds the crook of Loki's elbow. Time for those lessons with Queen Frigga to pay off.

    The Einherjar open the doors and we walk in.

    The Great Hall is packed with people as we stride in. I do my best to appear as regal as possible as we head up to the High Table. Loki looks quizzically down at me, but I don't indicate any emotion other than polite interest in the proceedings. The Allmother greets Thor and Loki with hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Sif and I curtsey before she hugs us, and I have to remind myself that she does this for everyone. We stand beside our chairs as we wait for the Allfather to arrive.

    I can feel the eyes of the court on me as I wait, hands folded demurely in front of me, left over right. I keep my knees bent slightly so that I don't pass out. That would be embarrassing, and would completely demolish my goal. Loki leans toward me.

    "What are you doing?" he whispers.

    "What I'm supposed to do," I whisper back.

    He looks confused, but before he can say anything, Odin walks in and bids everyone a good evening before taking his seat and kicking off dinner.

    Servants walk in, carrying trays of various dishes, including my favorites. Once the food is set down, we begin to load our plates. The warriors engage in discussing battlefield tactics. Loki and the Queen begin talking about various spells. A few noble ladies draw me into their conversation.

    I find out very quickly that their conversation is painfully boring. They're talking about the different types of lace for various sewing projects. Lace, for Loki's sake! I only just manage to stay awake and attempt to contribute. Even harder is the battle of suppressing my yawns.

    My jaw is aching by the time a few minutes had passed. I finally just occupy myself with the food, which is MUCH more palatable than the conversation. Ah, who am I kidding? The food is incredible!

    Various types of sweet and spicy meats and sauces sit on the tables, the smells of seasonings permeating the air. Different vegetables are cooked, cut and carved in a variety of beautiful shapes and patterns. Fish and seafood are in abundance, and I try a hearty helping of crab salad. Breads, rolls and other sweet pastries abound. Dessert is positively divine, the various cakes and pies melting in the mouth.

    I'm almost disappointed when dinner and dessert ends. People begin to file out of the Great Hall and the Royal family remain behind until the Hall is empty except for the servants. As we're walking out, Loki takes me aside.

    "I need to talk to you."

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now