Chapter 2- Escaping

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Beep beep beep!

I wake up and slam my hand hard in the clock sitting on the nightstand. I open my eyes and sit up.

I get out of bed and take a shower. When I finish I put on, once again, a red shirt with my black skirt.

I go into the kitchen and grab a yogurt out of the fridge. I put it into a small bowl and mix cereal into it. I quickly get a spoon and sit down at the table while I finish my breakfast.

I arrive at work and walk into my office. As I put my purse on the desk I notice a rose sticking out of a vase on the bookshelf. I walk over to it and read the note attached to it.

Can't wait for our next session
xoxo -J

I slightly blush, but then realize that he was out of his cell. How did he escape without alarming the security? I then walk back to my desk and grab my papers for my appointment with Poison Ivy. It's been a month since our first appointment.

I walk down the corridors to the glass containment Ivy has been held inside of. As the door opens, allowing me to enter, I see her sitting on her bed ready to talk with me.

"Hi Ivy!" I say as the door closes. "Harley. So good to see you again!" She greets me with a hug. I sit across from her and put my papers down. " I was alittle worried you wouldn't show up because of your appointment with Joker yesterday." She days as she sits back down. "Why would you think that?" I ask curious of what she means. Why would she be worried?

"Well did he try to kill you? Or scare you?! Did he even talk? " she almost yells to me. "N-no. We talked and he didn't even try to kill me. If he was attempting the scare me, it didn't work." I say calmly. Ivy calms herself once I finish.

"Well good. Cause I can't have you leaving for when I return."
"What do you mean?" I ask "Well I'm going to try and escape tonight. Knowing the Batman, he'll probably try to throw me back in next month." She answers. "Oh, well I'm happy your bustin yourself out. I wouldn't wanna be in here either." I really am happy for her, but I'm alittle upset I won't be having her as a patient anytime soon. It's nice to have a girl to talk to.

After our half our session, I say my farewells to her knowing she will be leaving tonight. I walk to my next session with Joker. I open the door with the note he gave me inside my coat pocket.

"Harley, welcome back." He says waving his arms in the air.
I just stand with my back against the shut door silently.
"Arnt you even going to say hello?" He asks.
"How did this get into my office?" I ask pulling out the note. "I put it there." He answers with a grin. "I'm pretty sure the guards would be interested that you've been out of your cell." I say crossing my arms.
"Well if you were to really tell them, you would've done it already!" He says standing up.
"How do you know I haven't already told them?"

"You see Harley I know you feel this, connection with me. I like you doll face, and I need your help. Would you ever be so kind to do this for you Mister J?"
He grabs my hand and I feel my checks heat up. Can I really help him? Would he just throw me away when he's finished? Oh I don't even know. If I help him I loose my whole life's work of Psychiatry, but I want to-no, NEED to help Mistah J.

"I'll do it. But ya have to promise me that ya won't throw me away like trash once your finished." A smile spreads across his face as he pulls me into a huge. For a moment I am shocked, but then I embrace myself into his arms.

After a minute I pull away and ask what I need to do.
I pull into the parking lot of an old weapon store. I walk inside and grab a couple bombs, a gun, and some of the laughing gas Mistah J hide in the back. Before I leave I see a nice jester costumn. I go into a fitting room and put it on. I apply the white mackup and fit a mask onto my face. I step out and shoot the cashier as I walk out the door.

I drive back to Arkham and sneak my way through the halls. Once I arrive to the empty hall where Mistah J is, I look through Ivys empty room, knowing she has escaped already. I now stand infront of the cell and blow it up. Through the smoke comes Mistah J as he looks at me with a grin. "Say hello to your new and improved Harley Quinn!" I introduce my new identity to him and grab his hand. We run the corridors and shoot anyone who gets in our way.

This is how my life is now. I have all that I need, my puddin.

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