Chapter 15- We are a team

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I grab my bat off of my back and hold it on top of my shoulder. I walk towards the 3 cop cars with police men outside aiming their guns at me.

"All of this for me? I'm touched. Now you can either leave now and forget this all happened or I can kick all ya guys' ass' and make ya beg for mercy. Have it your way!" I say as I walk closer.

They keep their guns held up but I can see sweat dripping off of them from the light. "Hard way it is then" I murmur. I then pull out a jack and the box from my bag and wind it up. The song starts playing and right as its about to end I throw it at the guys at the left.

It explodes and leaves smoke filling the air. As they struggle in the clouded area I run to a guard as he tries to shoot me. I do a somersault and land I front of him. He tries to punch me but I block it and hit the man instead. I see another cop running towards us and I flip over the guys back, leading to me kicking the other cop in the face. I stand up and knee the guy with a bloody nose in the head. As he falls I take his hat off and throw it in the air. I watch as their bodies lie hopelessly on the ground and twirl the hat onto my head.

Then I hear a gun shot and see a window brake from a nearby store. I turn around and see the other police running out of the smoke. I kart wheel over to the side of a car and crutch down. I look through the tinted glass of the vehicle and see the police slowly walking over to me.

I put the bat onto the latch on my back and throw the bag over my shoulder. I look to my right and see a light pole.

I run over, still ducked low, and make my way up it by jumping, climbing, and flipping. I sit at the top of the light and watch as the guards search for me. They all stop and communicate for a short minute then split up into different directions. One stays over by me and I jump down from the light lamding right on top of him, pushing the man to the ground unconscious.

I then run up a wall and climb to a ledge leading to another guard. I am about to throw a gas inflated whoopee cushion at her until the ground starts shaking and she is tied down by plants. Then a black figure jumps outta no where and stuffs her mouth with a cloth.

I jump down and walk to them. "I thought I told ya to go! I'd be there within no time!" I say as I approach the group. "Well Harls you aren't going to do this alone. We can't have this plan spoiled because we left a member behind. Plus we care lots about you." Ivy says as she hugs me.

"It was very brave of you to do that Harley." Riddler says behind her. I smile then look behind them and see the figures of GCP coming right to us. The gang must have seen my changed reaction as I grabbed my gunout of my bag, as they all were ready to fight along side me.

----Scarecrow POV (right when Harley jumps off bike)----
"Stop the car!" Joker yells. I pull the brakes and look back and see cops and Harley walking towards them. She signals us not to do anything and she continues going on.

"Drive up a few blocks." Selena says. "What no way! We can't leave her there!" Joker and Ivy yell. "Trust me. Just to that alley way up there!"

I start the car and drive up the street. We pull into an alley and get out of the truck. "Alright what's your plan?" I ask walking up to Selena behind Joker and Riddler.

"Well we can hop up onto the top of those building and make our way towards the scene." She replies. "Didn't she say to not help her?" Riddler asks.

"She's our friend!" Ivy yells, smacking him on the back of the head. "We aren't leaving her behind."

"Right. So let's get going." Joker says and starts climbing the ladder to the top. An explosion is heard from were Harley is once we climb to the top and we run to the edge to see if she is ok. "She's good. Set of a smoke bomb or something." Ivy says backing away from the edge.

We run across the roof tops and finally make it near Harley Quinn. She climbs up a wall and is looking at a female guard. Ivy uses her power to make a giant plant erupt from the ground beneath the lady and tie her down. Catwomen quickly jumps down and shoves a cloth in her mouth, making her pass out.

Harley starts talking to Ivy and gives her a hug. She then looks behind me and her expression changes. We look back and see a group of police walking towards us. I grab a few of my fear toxins out of my pocket and get ready.

----Barbra Gordon POV----
"Oracle, I need you to run a scan of the bodies that where hidden in the room." Batman asks me.

I take the scans that he had done earlier and put it onto another screen. I put it through the scans and after a few minutes they are done. "Alright so most of them are just regular people that Joker just found on the streets.Such as Lexis Andreas, Michelle Howard, Christopher Sanches, and Mya Johnson. All newly graduates from Gotham High. Two of them are doctors at Arkham Asylum, Dr. Williams and Dr. Vietuar. Then the last one is a biology teacher at GCU Professor James."

I send him the files and look at the map of Gotham. I look through security cameras on every street. My eyes land on one camera that shows a bunch of bodies belonging to the Gotham City Police lying on the ground with smiles on their faces. "Bruce there is something going on at 34th Street North."

"Already on my way there." He says as he drives through the empty streets the far side of Gotham.

I look through more cameras to see if anything around that area is out of place. I then feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. "Y'know Barb, I'm loving what you've done with this place. It's more, high tech." He whispers in my ear. I giggle then turn around.

"I missed you! Where have you been?" I ask. "Oh y'know. Here, there, everywhere. My job as Robin has me protecting every alleyway in
South side of Gotham." He says as he hugs me.

I smile and he returns one. His eyes shift to the cameras behind me. "What's going on?" He asks. "Not so sure, but Bruce is on his way there. Though I know it has to do with Joker. A few weeks ago the bank exploded and he discovered a secret room with bodies dead in them."

"And your just now scanning them?" He asks. I nod. "He didn't want me to scan them yet so I didn't. I wonder why." "Me too."

"Dick should be back here in a few weeks. For a short visit." Tim says. "Really. How's he doing over there?" I asks turning my chair around to look at him.

"Pretty good. The nightlife there doesn't compare to Gotham though. Phew misses the action here." He picks up a photo that sits on a table.

"I remember this. How we where back then. It was the four of us. Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin. We were unstoppable." He smiles looking at it. I roll my chair over and look at the picture with him. "Yeah. To bad it's over now." I say. His smile turns to a frown. "And it's all Jokers fault."

"It's alright though. Sure I miss walking around and fighting with you, but I still help out. I work here to help Bruce every night and you whenever you need it." I say as he sits beside me onto a regular chair. "I know." He frowns looking at the ground.

"He look at me." I lift his head so his eyes meet mine. "Everything is alright." He looks at me for a moment then grabs the back of my head and pushes it towards his so our lips meet.

Alright just to clarify things, Scarecrow had taken over the goons spot for driving k. And the goons were ordered to stay in the truck and look after all the weapons and crap. Batman hasn't had Barbra scan the dead bodies for a reason ( that I shall not tell you yet) and has been searching for Selena for a long time. He has known this but the Villians keep switching hideouts every few days so Batman won't find them. Hope you liked this chapter. What do ya think of Barbra's intro into the story? I mean she was in it earlier but not much. Anyways hope ya liked this chapter and I'll start writing the next.

Bye Puddins! 😘

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