Chapter 22- Thinking

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No ones POV-

As she twirled her bat and whistled, Harley made her way to the roof of the warehouse.

"You see anything yet?" She asked the henchmen with binoculars. "Nothing yet, boss." "Well you better let me know if something goes wrong. We don't need any distractions." She replied and jumped off the building onto the roof of a truck.

Joker had been thinking. Did he actually want to do this? Getting rid of the Batman had been something that bothered him. He was the one person he didn't want dead.

If the bat was dead he would have no one to fight, and Satan knows he wouldn't want to fight Superman. That diaper boy was all rainbows and sunshine for him. Joker liked to work in the dark.

He knew Harley wanted Batman dead, and he promised her that he would be dead. But he doesn't want him dead yet. So maybe he could change the plans a tiny bit. He wouldn't tell anyone though. It'll be a surprise.

"You okay Harley?" Selina asked as her and Poison Ivy hopped out of a truck and made their way towards the blonde .

"Yeah, just thinking." "That's not good." Harley shot her red headed friend a playful glare and continued to tell them about how she didn't know how the plan was going to work.

Ivy didn't see a problem with it and Selina just told Harley not to think too much about it. "It'll be okay, just don't overthink it. You do that and things might not go so well."

"She's right, Harley." Ivy said. "It could cause you to space out or mess up and we won't get away with it."

"I just want that stupid bat dead." Harley said as she motioned for some of the goons to take the crates from the truck inside. "And he will be. Just wait." Ivy rubbed her shoulder.

As the girls talked more and went inside, the figure from earlier reappeared behind a nearby roof. "Now to get inside." She whispered to herself.

She scanned the area and decided she needed to take out the two guards on the roof and the one closest by the back entrance.

She waited for both of them to turn around before climbing over and cutting their heads off and jumping downward to slit the last guards throats while muffling his screams.

She hides his body in a nearby bush and sneaks inside of the building.

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