Ch. 1, It's Monday...

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I shield my eyes as a ray for sunlight hits me from under my eye lids, I can barely open them without straining my eyes. As I sit up from my bed, I notice a familiar figure in front of my window, she swung the curtains open and turn towards me.

Mom: Cmon (Y/N)! It's time to get ready for school!

My mother leaned over and lightly nudges me with a warm smile, one I know all too well. I groan and become filled with dread as I think to myself...

To Self: It's... Monday...

I wave off, gesturing to my mom that I'll be up in a bit before immediately burying my face into my pillow and "Resting my eyes" so to speak. This however, wasn't taken kindly by her as she walks out of my room, her footsteps were quick, meaning she was walking with a purpose. But I was wayyyyy too tired to worry about it, as soon as I start to feel myself drift back into slumber, the light to my room flicks on and my mother walks in with a pot and a spoon, clanging them together as if she was pretending to be in a school band or something. I jumped so hard I fell off my bed, my heart beating a mile a minute. That's when my mom crouches down to me and says in a rather smug tone...

Mom: Breakfast is ready~

Me: I'll be right there...
My voice was a little shaky from being scared half to death, I slowly get up and stretch out, feeling a few cracks from my spine to help me relax as I then begin my usual morning routine; I take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed and get ready for my day. I make my way downstairs and see mom putting a plate down which I assume is mine, it had her famous Extra Fluffy pancakes, with sausage and bacon on the side. My grab my fork and knife and happily dig in.

Mom: Make sure to eat quickly, your bus will be here soon.

I hum in response since my face was stuffed with pancakes, I ate my food like I never ate in my life before grabbing my bag and heading out the door only to be stopped by my mom.

Mom: (Y/N).

Me: Yeah Mom?

Mom: I love you.

Me: I love you too Mom.

I roll my eyes with a smirk before making my way to the bus stop and meet my friend Ryder. We both wave at each other and I make my way over to him, he had his usual joking smirk.

Ryder: Jeez, what took you so long? Thought you'd miss the bus again...

Me: Again?! It was one time!

Ryder: That one time almost got us both killed.

He chuckles after his statement, he wasn't lying though. When I missed the bus he ditched school to come pick me up and told his mom that we both missed the bus, let's just say she was not happy to here what actually happened from the principal. I've known Ryder since we were in Elementary School, we've always had each other's backs since then, he's like the brother I never had. After awhile the bus came and we got on, I usually sit in the back, either next to Ryder, or in the single seat. I put my earbuds in and take a quick nap as we make our way to school...

Hiya! I hope this isn't too bad of a start, thank you for reading even one line, one word me is good enough to be honest. Anyway, Stick around for the next chapter... If you want... ya know whatever... no pressure...

Why Him? (Cute Femboy x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora