Ch. 5: Sweet Tooth Pt. 2

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I've never experienced such a writer's block in my life, hopefully I will be able to update this more frequently. Love y'all & Happy Pride Month!!!

Peom's POV:


I quickly cover my mouth, I could feel my cheeks burning up, my heart jumps at the mistake I made. I tightly shut my eyes and await for him to Judge or Criticize me, but nothing happens. I open my eyes and see him smirking, is he laughing at me?

Y/N shakes his head.
Y/N: You're adorable ya know that?

Before I can respond he places his Hand on top of my head, I control my body. My ear flop down, my butt wiggling from the frantic swaying of my Tail.

I couldn't help but melt into his big, rough hand. It was like the size of my whole head! I open my mouth to protest, but ultimately failing miserably...

Peom: I-I... Y-Y/N... Mmmm~...
My cheeks feel like they're on Fire! It only made it worse just from me realizing it...

Y/N Let's out a soft chuckle, rubbing my head so gently and caring I could melt here and now...

Y/N: Oh? You you really like head pats huh?

Peom: N-Not... Exactlyyyyyy...

Y/N: Oh really? Well if you not then what if I do this?

I let out a tiny yelp as my body jolts from an intense sensation through my body, not there of all places. I'll die of embarrassment!!!

Y/N So your ear ARE sensitive huh?

I wriggle and bite down hard on my bottom lip so nothing gets out, suddenly another pair of fingers gently knead the tip of my free ear. Letting out a somewhat louder yelp. I look up at
Y/N with Pleading eyes.

Peom: Y-Y-Y/N... P-Please... Ah~!!!

We both pause looking at each other with wide eyes. Y/N's face is as red as mine if not more. He looks mortified!

Peom's Head: Shit shit shit shit shit!!!

Your POV:

Y/N: I... uhhh...

I quickly put my hands to my sides and quickly fumble an apology.

Y/N: I-I... Sorry I didn't mean to-

Peom: D-Don't worry... you didn't know...

There's a moment of pause, the longest fucking pause I've EVER experienced...

To Self: Get it together, focus! Turn this around dammit!!!

Y/N: Shall we?

I say just so I don't have to deal with this damn awkwardness. It's Killing me!
Peom straightens himself up and quickly spurts out...

Peom: Yes please!

To Self: Damn He's adorable...

We FINALLY make it through the doors of the Ice Cream Shop and Peom's Heterochomic eyes Light up like Christmas, his tail wagging furiously from under his baggy, oversized sweater. I can't help but smile.

To Self: Wow he really is like a dog. Looks like he's completely forgot about what happened earlier.

Peom: So... Much... Ice Cream!!!

Y/N: We'll don't just stand there, let go!

Peom: Agreed!

This Timeskip is brought to you bye Chibi Y/N Consoling Chibi Peom With his Brainfreeze...


We make our exit, both with Ice Cream cones in our hands. Me with my Usual Favorite (insert Favorite Flavor), Peom had a Triple- No... QUADRUPLE Scooped cone, I don't even know what Flavors he has at this point! He just Happily Licks his Ice cream with huge, satisfying Smile. I couldn't help but smile, he's fucking adorable!

Peom: Mmmmmmm!!! So Sweeeet!

He wiggles happily and let's out a giggle in excitement.

Y/N: They make the best Ice Cream Around. I expected nothing less.

We make our way home, laughing, giggling and talking about life. Unfortunately, we reach his house. He's devoured both of his Ice cream Cones before we even made it halfway. We make our way to his door and begin to say our goodbyes.

Peom: I had so much fun Today Y/N, thank you so much!!!

Peom's is beaming a bright smile.

Y/N: Anytime Peom, it's really fun spending time with you. You're quite the character.

Peom's Face turns from happy to worried, or Flustered? Maybe both.

Peom: I-I hope I wasn't too much of a handful! I-I I know I can be really hyper when I'm excited and-

I get closer so I can put my hand on the top of his head.

Y/N: I meant in a good way dummy...

I chuckle to myself,

To Self: Ugh... I'm gonna die from cuteness overload at this point.

I zone for a bit in thought before coming back and realizing he's still staring at me.

To Self: Is he staring at my Lips? Shit I'm terrible at this...

He then leans in slowly. So my body reacts by doing same, we were so close we practically shared the same air...

Suddenly the I hear the sound of the doorknob turn, We straighten ourselves up and look to see who it is...

To Self: Pleasedontbehisparent!!!

Hamu: There you are! Mom and Dad are worried sick!

Peom eyes widen in horror.

Peom: Really!?

Hamu: Pffft. Nah I just wanted to see your reaction. Hurry up and come inside your dinners in the microwave.

Peom Punches Hamu's Shoulder before turning to me with a small smile.

Peom: Thanks Again Y/N.

Y/N: Of course. If you wanna hangout again sometime Let me know okay?

Peom Nods Furiously in response.

Peom: Okay! Bye Y/N!

I wave goodbye as I make my way home. Today was actually the bet Monday I've ever had...

This story is still alive I promise! Thank you so much for being so patient, Until Next Time. Love y'all!

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