Chapter 3

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Talia's Point Of View

At the end of the day, I only have one class without Octavious Solice and 1 class with my brother, which Octavious is in that class. As the final bell rung I gathered my things and waited for my turn to get out the door. I didn't mind waiting up until Octavious got behind me. Our last class is An English class.

"Hey." This girl named Kaitlyn smiled as she looked up at Octavious. She is a very blonde girl with blue eyes and she is a little taller then me. "What you doing later? Can I come by?" She asked.

Only the girls that have sex with him are the girls that aren't afraid to talk to him but I've seen when he gets mad, those girls get quiet.

"No, don't come by." He said coldly to the girl. She pushed passed me, obviously mad that she couldn't get a piece of him.

"Hoe." He laughed.

Octavious, other then most people being afraid of him, almost all the girls think he is hot. I'll hear them say how much they love his chocolate skin tone and his waves. I honestly think he is an okay looking guy, the other girls are to dramatic saying how he is the best looking guy in the school he is okay but I wouldn't say that.

I rolled my eyes at him calling that girl a hoe. "What is it sweet cheeks?" He asked, walking out of the classroom behind me.

"I think your a man whore." I sighed, walking to the direction my brother parked this morning.

"That's not very nice." He says, acting like he is pouting. He looked down as he walked to symbolize how much I "hurt" him. I didn't mind it.

"Neither is you calling that girl a Hoe." I tell him, walking a little faster to get to where I'm going.

"Yea but she came on to me." He replied.

"Yea, probably because she's already been there once." I tell him.

"Hey, Tal, why are you with Octavious?" Thomas asked as he walks towards us.

"Because he is following me." I sigh, walking passed Thomas and to his car, getting in the passenger seat and sitting my bag in the back. I pull out my phone and try to get my Bluetooth hooked up before Thomas gets in. I failed, he opens the door and gets in, turning my Bluetooth off and continuing to play his music. It's not bad I just want to hear something different.

He drove home and waited for me to get out. "Bye, tell Joseph and Elijah I'll be back in a bit." Thomas smiled as I got out.

"Please don't tell me you are going to Octavious' house." I sigh.

"Of course not, I'm meeting him at a friends house." Thomas smiled, I am already out the car so he drives away. I walk into the silent house, they are still at work. I hate being alone. I walked up to my room and changed into some black and white Nike shorts and a white tshirt.

I grab a bag of popcorn and stuck it in the microwave, setting it on the desired time and waiting, getting it out when it's done and burning my finger in the process. I walk into the livingroom and turn on the tv, looking for a movie to watch.

As I watched a random movie I picked out I slowly ate the popcorn. It is a love story between two people that can't be together because of their families differences, kinda like Romeo and Juliet. It is a pretty good movie so far.

"Hey Tal, where is Tom?" Eli asked.

"At a friends house." I sigh.

"Octavious?" Elijah sighed.

"He is with him, he said he wasn't going to Octavious' house." I told him and Eli nodded. We are all worried Thomas is going to go down the same path he did last year, which got him held back. Joseph and Elijah didn't like Octavious when they were in high school. They could tell he was bad news.

Thomas was drawn to Octavious so that he could take his mind off of our parents death, he drank and smoked weed all day everyday. He'd skip school and go to one of his and Octavious' friends house and hang out. They almost got caught by the law a bunch of different times. Thomas and Octavious actually did get caught with a gallon sized bag of weed. They were smoking it and selling it.

Joseph and Elijah got so mad because Thomas was stupid enough to hang around Octavious and get himself into the trouble he got into. I didn't care to much for Octavious but I didn't hate him, I still don't. I just want him to leave my brother alone.

Please Octavious leave my brother alone.

I don't want him to end up like a slob. I want him to have a nice long life. I'm scared for my big brother.

The first time Thomas actually got arrested was at school for fighting. The second was at home, someone tipped the cops and he got busted for the use and distribution of marijuana. Elijah and Joseph had a full talk with him and I sat up in my room for the whole day. The last time he got arrested.. I can't talk about it..

I was scared. I don't want to lose my big brother. All of us were really close but me and Thomas, being the youngest two, we had a lot more fun even though he picks on me.

Elijah sat down beside me and smiled. "We'll make sure that Thomas doesn't get that bad again." I nod, giving my big brother a smile and a nod. "How was school?" He asked, pulling me closer so that he could hug me.

"Fine." I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Thomas, I don't want him to get like that again." He sighs, pulling me in for another hug but holding me there.

"It'll all be okay." Elijah smiled. I started to wonder, normally Joseph and Elijah would be out there trying to find Thomas but this time I haven't seen Joseph and Elijah is chilling on the couch with me.

I heard the door open, seeing Thomas walk in. He sets his keys in the tray beside the door and walks in the living room with us, plopping down beside me so that I am in the middle of them.

"Talia, go outside or up to your room real quick, please. I need to talk to Thomas." I sigh, nodding my head and standing up. I walk towards the stairs giving my brothers one last glance before I go up the stairs.

"Don't do this again Tom, please." Elijah sighed. I walk into my room and I could slightly hear the conversation.

"I'm not, I just went to James' house for a couple minutes. I came home when you texted didn't I?" Thomas said back to Elijah.

"With Octavious." Elijah said.

"I swear to you, I'm not going to do anything brother." Thomas sighed. I heard Elijah walk around the living room a little.

"Just know, what happened last time hurt Talia and all of us so bad. We can't have it happen again." Elijah reminded Thomas of his last mistakes. I sigh, sitting beside the door and listening to their conversation.

"I know. I'm not doing it again." Thomas said, sounding a little angrier.

"Fine." Elijah said.

"I'm going to go see what Tal is up to, are you done?" Thomas asked and I heard Elijah tell him yes. I got up and quickly ran to my bed, jumping on it and grabbing my phone, acting like I was playing a game the entire time.

"Tal, can I come in?" Thomas knocked on the door.

"Come on." I smile, he opens the door and slowly walks into my room and sits on my bed.

"You know I don't want to do all of that stuff I did a year ago. I was depressed and angry because of mom and dads death. I wanted a way out, a way to get my mind off of them. I'm sorry for what I did and the way I acted during that time but I feel like I have changed." Thomas explained, I nod, sitting up and giving him a big hug. "You know that I know you were eavesdropping." Thomas smiled. I smiled back, sitting down with my back against my head board again.

The Badboy's Secret.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن