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     DEAR Steve,

          I did something I regret. Okay so don’t be mad at me because the kid totally had it coming. He made fun of me, the Weasley’s, Harry, and this nice boy named Neville. It was in retaliation although he doesn’t know that I did anything.

Okay so this really rude boy said stuff about us, right? So, I used my powers to give him a headache. You know those blast things I used against the aliens and gunmen and knocked them unconscious with? I’ve learned how to control them and just give someone a headache or confuse them. I sort of may have given the mean kid a headache with my powers.

Please don’t be mad at me! It was the first time I’ve used my powers in a bad way since New York. I really feel bad about it now but he deserved it. He made fun of me behind my back about my mum and dad being gone. He made fun of Harry for the same reason. He kept making fun of the Weasley’s financial situation and called a nice boy named Neville dumb. It still makes me feel bad though. I guess I could try apologizing to him.

          In other news I think I just became Gryffindor’s good luck charm. (The brave house that Fred and George’s family is in.) I was wearing George’s quidditch jumper (the one I normally wear every time Gryffindor plays unless they go against Hufflepuff) and we’re pretty sure that Harry broke the record for the shortest time catching the Snitch. So I guess I’m not allowed to wear any other jumper than that exact jumper on days that Gryffindor’s have quidditch matches.

          Exams are coming up quite soon and that makes me slightly nervous. Professors assign so much homework while still expecting us to study for our exams. To me it doesn’t make any sense but I’m not a professor so I don’t know.

          Do you know if Taylor Swift has released any new music? I know that she just dropped an album a couple months ago but you never know. Any new musicals that are really good? Any new music at all I guess is my question.

          Sadly I now have to go but I promise to write to you soon! I miss you and the apartment so much. I can’t wait to see you at the end of term. Love you Steve-o!

Nezzie :)

Inez quickly handed the envelope handing her letter for Steve to one of the school owls before quickly rushing back to the castle. The Carter girl had stayed at Hogwarts for the spring holiday as Steve had been busy and Clint had plans out of town for the holidays.

In the end Inez was glad that she stayed at the castle because her, the twins, and Lee spent their week playing pranks on different students that had been rude to first years that Inez was close to. The boys had spent the first day of their break trying to convince the girl to join them in their pranks and she eventually gave in telling them that it could only be on people that deserved it. And so that’s what they did.

Malfoy was a prime target for the four which brought a bit of satisfaction to Inez. They managed to use the Densaugeo hex on the boy and made his teeth grow. The four had run off before Draco or his goons could figure out who had hexed him.

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