Time is in an awful hurry

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By every passing hour

HIs soul they devour

Laying shackled in agony

Features contorted by misery

Left shamed for all to see

His face still haunts me

Such anguish only time could etch

Turned from monarch to wretch

A living example of past folly

What sins if not (un)holy?

It's all a matter of perspective

Why not give him the doubt and the benefit?

Once bound to the stake

Turn to the pitch black lake

Peer into its depths and pray

So the soul does not further decay

guess today is not your lucky day

A victim of the false circumstance

Around the blaze rubbernecks dance

Adding fuel to the fire is the sage

Making the whole world his stage

He spreads his lies and deceit

To such treachery must truth be forfeited?

Any who dare speak are branded

To burn is what's demanded!

When intellect bows to visceral fear

Thoughts are often obscured and made unclear

Amidst the ensuing chaos

No one takes the time to pause

survey each and every precious flaw

Discerning true meaning

of the creators innermost feeling

That which gnaws at the edge

Shall help the sheep climb up the ledge

Only to fall to their doom

The presence of insincerity looms

Let not your faith be the judge

Be it prejudice or a grudge

No good will ever come of it

With age, information is decrepit

And there shall come a time when

profit and purpose will split

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