Tug of internal war

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inspiration simply isn't inspiring

when motivation demotivates itself.

Apathy is intuitively indifferent to nonchalance;

ignoring ignorance intentionally.

Depression is a self fulfilling prophecy

faithfully forsaking dismal destiny

Life is the epitome of irony

live to die, die to live, you'll see

intention never counts

 as we leave it up to

self-esteem without the self,

confidence all but a con

becoming lost in the linearity of it all.

Eternity shakes off abysmal attempts to stall

it takes only one misstep on a bottomless pit fall,

To tell me I've passed the test of life

with flying colors, as up becomes down

right becomes wrong, and here is nowhere

absent-mindedly concentrate,

focus on the foe   

 you call a f(r)iend


Two pieces don't make a whole

not when something was always missing

pull on the rope that binds

pull up the blinds, no telling what one finds

dark matters, truth scatters

shattered mirrors on silver platters 

reality occupied by mad hatters.

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