Roman (A)ttic Helmet

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  • Đã dành riêng cho freedom of expression

Dumping nuclear waste makes me madly lovesick;

thought 'twas another cheap parlor trick,

Can radioactive poisoning make amends?

Popular sentiment so vaguely specific,

I know now- how people see what they want to see 

Snorkeling in mirror servers far away from imaginary reality

Why is good enough never good enough?

Headline: Another falls victim to life's killing spree (urban dictionary)

Well salted arrow to the amputated knee (skyrim married guard allusion)

In no time at all your insecurities became an overclocked CPU.

Peace of mind anything but a piece of cake; I could never relax.

Yes, No amount of teaching can make Icarus learn;

You were the sun, my wings melted, it was no fun.

Row-Man-Tic candles must have their wax; you with your income tax.

Now I am the sun and it's my turn to burn;

It will be the first last thing I do!

emotions are traditionally ceremonial,

rarely can they be called functional.

For now this Roman Attic Helmet will do;

Against narcisissm it shall protect too.

Blank CanvasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ