Where were you when I needed you?

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  • Dedicated to False Friends

Falling short of an overkill,

understated overstatement. 

I tell it as it is, not as it should be:

first in line to be fashionably late; 

crocodile tears are cried by the fox.

Cringe-worthy cunning,

Your interstellar speech so stunning.

A eulogy of false pretenses

covering no funeral expenses.

Softly sing your postmortem praises,

see if so much as an accusatory finger raises.

Posthumously getting in my good graces.

I offer my insincerest apologies,

it seems the afterlife has run out of spaces

May you, in good time, girl,

come to rest beside a weary churl.

Understand the gravestone,

forged by what remains of my funny back-bone

it declares: here lies the liar!

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