Oh Well, welcome to hell!

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Backstory: basically if a poor guy was sent to prison in place of someone rich after being framed. It's typical where I live. ssh! I didn't tell you that ;)

Feast your eyes

on the motherlode of goodbyes

not that sentiment is worth a dime

in hell we pay for someone else's crimes

fortunately, the best of the worst fit right in

those who don't make the cut need not worry

ain't nothing that can't be fixed by a barrel of gin

hell is not for the elitist, everyone is treated to the flame

no one ever cared about you before, 

now everyone is knocking at your parent's door

"ain't he some kid who robbed a local drugstore?"

shame that it's all a game to them

whoever cares about the way you let 'em know your name?

still it's better not to forget that immortality is a worthless gem

'cause you can't put a price on something that doesn't exist,

much like your criminal record, fortunately, the jury is racist,

you'll hurt so bad behind the scenes where there are no cameras,

be best actor at your very own soap operas,

shame they'll never give you any real soap,

hey, chillax, at least you will never get the axe

the director I hear is a real pal

which is why he'll never let you see your gal

so show the world your sad symbiotic sorrowful grin!

if you're nice Satan will let you take his ride out for a spin,

as long as you keep his kid's hidden records clean!

we don't mean to be mean,

paroles still on the table,

oh no! it's not a fable,

if you play devil's advocate

you might even get access to it,

before your birthday candles turn eighty eight

just as soon as you're on his payroll.

hurry now before it's too late,

you're playing uno and hold the reverse card

so please try not to play the tattle tale bard,

To us, it's not about what you stole,

rather what you kept to yourself

so leave your autobiography up on a dusty shelf,

petty theft for those bereft of time

cannot be a crime since there's a reason to the rhyme

ergo, as long as you're not a mole

there's no need for you to be in the gaol

free to go, and no one will ever know.

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