Chapter 2: Cinderella

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"Whoah" Prince Charming said as I accidentally tripped while dancing. He caught me as I collapsed, but instead of embarrassment we both just laughed.

"How do girls even walk in heels? Wait a sec," he looked closer at them.

"Are those glass?"

"Yeah! I mean it's as uncomfortable as it looks, but-" I stopped as he lead me to a fountain.

"Maybe we should take a break," he said, smiling as he sat me down. "Why don't you take off those shoes?"

As I pulled them off, he reached in his pocket and took out two coins. I looked in confusion as he handed me one.

"You throw this into the fountain and make a wish"

"Isn't that a waste of money?"

"It's not that much really," and with that he tossed the coin and looked at me.

"You're turn," he said, and waited. But I held onto the coin. I hated the concept of it, throwing money away. Sure, it might be true that magic does exist, but...

"I don't want to bribe for magic. I want it to be earned," I looked up, not believing I had said that aloud.

"No, wait! I'm sorry. You gave it to me as a gift, and I should use it the way you want me to," and as I swung my hand out to toss the coin, I felt something hold it back.

"Actually, you're right. Wishes should be given to those who deserve it, not to people who have enough money to waste. Keep it, as a memory of this night," he looked at me, and I smiled.

"Night...wait, what time is it?"

"Uhh, almost midnight"

"What!" I jerked away from him. 

"I have to go!"

"Wait! At least tell me your name," he said, but I ignored him and grabbed my shoes in my hand.

I started running, through the doors and down the stairs, not missing a beat. And the rest is history.

"Wake up, Ella," my fairy godmother whispered as she shook me.

"I believe we have a lot to talk about, and we're reaching our destination soon"

I looked outside the windows, but I just saw darkness.

"First of all, where are we going?"

"France, we have a girl to comfort. Fate...well It didn't go as planned. Her name's Belle"

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