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instagram story: maiafox

instagram story: maiafox

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maiafox: just checking up on all you beautiful people, how is everybody???
464.8k retweets | 204.6k likes

usera: ready for this to be over!

maiafox: me too! stay positive angel.

scarlettjohansson: you've been in NY nearly a day and have yet to visit me? what is this?

maiafox: you're so damn needy scar, how does colin cope? thoughts and prayers!

userb: when are you back filming?

maiafox: as soon as the regulations we have in place are approved!

userc: has quarantine been a good break for you? spending some quality time at your new home without travelling?

maiafox: the novelty wore off very quick but i was so lucky to have a house to move into and concentrate on that little project but i miss my work too much!

userd: what is lizzie doing rn? cooking? gardening? any other hobby she picked up?

maiafox: reading this over my shoulder and gasping in shock like she hasn't spent the week out in the garden!

usere: anything you can tell us marvel related?

maiafox: fortunately for you guys there will be no delay in release of the film even though we have had this mini hiatus!

userf: why are you in new york?! anything special coming up?

maiafox: we're celebrating lizzie's birthday and seeing family! make sure you guys show her so much love!

userg: what did you do for valentine's day?
maiafox: we don't really celebrate it and everyday in lockdown has been an 'us' day so we didn't feel the need to make a big deal out of it:)

userh: what's your lock screen? i'm curious

userh: what's your lock screen? i'm curiousmaiafox:

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