Mother/Daughter Talk & Japan

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After school had finished, Marinette had gone over to Luka's place, but Juleka wouldn't let her see him.

"Can I please just talk to him?" Marinette asked.

"No." Juleka said boldly. "You broke his heart, I'm not letting you see him."

Marinette shoved past her. "Luka! Luka!"

"H-Hey!" Juleka ran after the bluenette going down to Luka's room.

Marinette smiled. "Luka-!" She froze when she saw a smiling Kagami on Luka's bed listening to him play a soothing melody with his guitar.

"What the h*ll is this?" Marinette hissed.

Kagami and Luka looked towards her as Juleka arrived behind her.

"I'm so sorry big brother. I tried to keep her away."

"It's okay Jule," Luka assured.

"What are you doing here?" Marinette growled at Kagami.

"The better question is, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping with Adrien in his bed again?" Kagami retorted calmly.

"YOU B-" Marinette started towards her but Luka got in the way.

"Don't okay? Just don't."

Marinette scoffed. "Wow, so your defending her?"

"Who else would I defend? You? After what you did to me?" Luka shook his head. "I don't really feel like fighting with you right now. And you know what the worse part is about finding out you were cheating? The fact that I had suspicions. I had these suspicions for so long but I never acted on them because I know you weren't that type of girl." He scoffed. "But I guess I was wrong. And you know what? Kagami and I have been in love for a while."

Marinette's eyes widened, she covered her mouth. "So... you... you cheated on me too?!"

"Unlike you, I wasn't eager to spread my legs for the one I love who's in a relationship. My mother didn't raise me to be like that. I never told Luka about my feelings, and he didn't tell me about his either, but the video was enough to push us over the edge and confess." Kagami explained.

"When did this happen?!"

"Yesterday night," Luka responded. "Kagami came to me, she saw the video too and comforted me, then we both confessed. And the reason why I didn't kiss her right then and there is because I wanted to break up with you first, which is exactly what I'm doing now."

"L-Luka," Marinette reached out to touch his arm but he moved back.

"I think you should leave Marinette," Luka suggested, getting back on his bed and playing his guitar.

"Luka!" Marinette went to touch him but Kagami reacted by punching her throat, causing her to choke.

"He said to leave. Don't make me break your hand for trying to touch him again." Kagami snapped.

Marinette began crying as she left the Couffaine Houseboat. And to top things off, it began drizzling until it full on started to rain.

Marinette covered her head with her hands as she ran home.

Scene: De-Sinclair Estate.

Kalianna was lying in her bed. A tear escaped her eye and she quickly wiped it away.

Just then Darius and Victoria came in.

"Sweetie, this is probably gonna be very hard for you to hear, but," Victoria sat down on the silky ravenette's bed. "We're moving back to Japan."

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