A/N: Explanation 🧡💛

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Okay, I'm sure you guys are confused as to why Kalianna said she'll become a hero just like her aunt Evelyn.

So basically in this book, Evelyn was a superhero named, "Sekhmet". She had a Quirk called "Lion", meaning she had the abilities of a lion, just 10 times stronger. Her drawback was if she pushed herself too much, she'd lose control of herself.

Darius actually has a Quirk because he was born in Japan, he just doesn't show it. He stopped showing it when he moved to Paris with his family. His Quirk is nothing special, just Nocturnal Vision, meaning he can see in the dark.

Victoria is Quirkless, and the rest of the family do not exist. Evelyn, as her father was half Japanese, got her Quirk genes from him.

You all have been wondering what Kali's Quirk is so I'll explain.

Name: Kalianna De-Sinclair

Age: 15

Voice Actress: Sofia Carson

Love Interest: Katsuki Bakugou

Ex-Boyfriend: Adrien Agreste

Friends: Class 1-A, Shinso, Hatsume, Miss Buster's class (well, SOME of Miss Bustier's class)

BFF: Kagami Tsurugi

Second BFF: Momo Yaoyorozu

Birthday: September 23. (Ayyye, we're the Libras at?!)

Quirk: Leopard

Capabilities: She can literally do anything that a leopard can. (Like Tsu's Quirk, just stronger).

Leopard Quirk Facts:
-Can see seven times better in the dark than humans
-Is very strong
-Can run up to 58 km per hour
-Has retractable claws
-Has retractable fangs
-Grooms self privately
-Has a humanoid leopard form
-Often eats meat, cooked or raw (Kalianna used to eat regular food in the cafeteria to not seem weird, but at home, she lets loose. Now that she doesn't have to hide her true self cause she's in Japan and U.A, she'll DEFINITELY let loose more often)
-Loves climbing trees
-Mates every month when wet season comes around (😏. The reason why Kalianna has never mated is because she takes heat oppression pills)
-Can fully transform into a leopard
-Has camouflaged fur (and it's very smooth and silky)
-Loves being scratched behind the ears, melts like putty when playing with her tail
-Growls and hisses when a potential love rival gets too close to her mate. (Bakugou 😏)

Weakness/Drawback: Self-Control. When she gets provoked, no one is safe.

So you guys have been wanting to see Kali's fur, here it is. She's also in her humanoid leopard form.

Kalianna's hero name will be Seshat, because she was the Goddess of Leopards according to the internet

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Kalianna's hero name will be Seshat, because she was the Goddess of Leopards according to the internet.

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