Not an update

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I know this isn't an update, and sorry about that. The update will be right after this But I want to tell y'all about my dream. So my uncle was driving a boat, and surfing with it. If you want to even call it that. So apparently since my uncle missed a wave, a tsunami formed. My cousin and uncle got away, somehow. I used the boat to go over a wall, by somehow jumping on it, and I went over the wall, idk dream logic. So I somehow got to school, and I went to mom. Then it repeated, the second time I wasn't so lucky, it felt like I was drowning, and I woke up. It was like 4 in the morning. 

I'm also still a bit flustered. Two of my classmates keep flirting with me. The first classmate, lets call him Richard, tried to kiss me, twice. The first time was in the classroom. I was just calmly packing to go home, and all of a sudden he was in my face. He was smirking. I quickly shoved him, but I think my cheeks were a bit warm. I mean who wouldn't get embarrassed. The second time he grabbed my arm, when I was just trying to walk home. He pinned me to the wall. And his face got near me, once again. He literally was getting closer and closer, but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. Thankfully before our lips met, I got my backpack and smacked him with it. I quickly ran away. I went to a shop, and bought some food. I saw richard looking for something. Pretty sure he was looking for me because, when I ran off, and looked back, he was chasing me. Although he tripped, because of the pain, when I smacked him with my backpack. The second classmate, let's call him, James. He literally asked what color panties I was wearing, and somehow kissed me, right in front of Richard. I didn't even know what was going on. He smirked when he saw Richard glaring at him. I'm still very flustered. Although this was before the pandemic. I'm not sure what to do. They texted me, at different times, if I would be their girlfriend. Pleaseee helppppp. I'm not sure who to pick, because we were all friends, before they kissed me. So Richard, or James?  Although I told both of them, to give time to think about it. 

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