Chapter 1; George (The Brits)

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George sat on the airplane looking out the window. In the three seated row, beside him sat Tommy, and on the other side of Tommy was Wilbur.

Poor Wilbur.

But also poor George. Both having to listen to Tommy's obnoxiously loud voice for 12 hours...

Behind them was Tubbo, Jack Manifold, and some other random person.

The 5 of them had met up before their plane arrived at the airport, and had all gotten seats near each other. Of course, the British had to stick together, duh.

Tommy and Wilbur started a heated conversation until Wilbur shoved a lollipop (how random) into Tommy's mouth.

"I will tell you what I told Dream 13 and a half years ago, canonically."  (I think thats what it was, im still catching up on my dream smp moment ;] ) Wilbur said. "Suck it, Tommy boy."

Tommy burst out laughing, and Tubbo leaned forward.

"Tommy!" Tubbo poked him.

Tommy turned around, "Wut?"

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep here!" Tubbo said.

Tommy sighed and nodded, going on his computer.

After a long, excruciating flight to Orlando, Florida, the 5 men stepped off the plane. Wilbur groaned, stretching, his hair more fluffy than usually because he had been asleep. Tubbo looked exhausted, and Tommy was actually clam for once in his life.

All the men were tired.

"I'll call Dream." George said.

"Okay Gogy." Tommy said, trying his best to sound excited, only his voice broke and he was very tired.

George laughed quietly, calling Dream.

After a few rings, Dream picked up.

"Hey!" He said through the phone, his voice eager.

"Hello." George responded. "Where are you? Jack, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and I are at the airport."

"Oh shi- uh ok Sapnap, Karl and I are in the car outside. Sapnap is going inside with Karl now. I can't risk my face." Dream said. George hummed in response.

"See you soon, George." Dream chuckled and hung up.

After a while, George saw Sapnap and Karl (come on now, it wasn't that hard. A crowd was already forming!) and walked over.

"Perfect time, Gogy, lets go bois!" Sapnap said quickly. Everyone followed Sapnap and Karl to Dreams mini-van.

Tommy took one look at the car and burst out laughing.

"Tommy shut up and get in!" Dream shouted.

"DREAM- YOU DRIVE A MOM CAR!!!" Tommy laughed.

"It's my moms car, how else am I supposed to fit you all in the car?" Dream asked.

Wilbur dragged a still-laughing Tommy in the car. Sapnap kicked Dream out of the drivers seat, Karl taking the passenger seat, leaving Dream to sit next to George and Tubbo in the middle row. Tommy, Wilbur, and Jack sat in the very back.

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