Chapter 4; Dream (Fairytales)

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When Dream woke up the next morning, he was quite shocked.

Not only by the fact that George was facing him and cuddling him, and that his arm was around George's torso, but also the fact that it was only the two of them.

Sapnap wasn't there...-

Dream glanced down at George, who was still asleep. 

He carefully unwrapped his arm from around George's waist, sliding off the bed carefully, trying not to wake George up.

He let out a slow breath, walking towards the door, closing it carefully from outside the room. Dream hadn't bothered to change, still chilling in a loose shirt and some sweatpants.

Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity all were already downstairs on the couch, watching some show.

"Hey Dream." Sapnap said, hiding a smirk, which was quite obvious.

"Why are you smirking?" Dream asked.

"Joe mama."

Dream looked at Sapnap with the death glare, and Karl burst out laughing. 

Karl was laying across Sapnap and Quackity, his head in Sapnap's lap and his legs in Quackity's.

"Am I fourth wheeling here?" Dream asked, sitting on the other couch.

"Maybe go get George, then you wouldn't be fourth wheeling." Sapnap teased.

"Is that why you weren't in the bed last night?" 

"Mhm. I wasn't gonna sleep with you two again. But I probably could have, seeing as you two were taking up only a small portion of the bed."

"We were unconscious." Dream rolled his eyes.

Karl and Quackity snickered.

"Hey guys." George said tiredly, walking into the living room.

"Hey Gogy." Sapnap said, smiling.

"Morning George." Dream also smiled as George sat down next to him.

"Did you sleep well?" Karl asked.

Quackity covered his mouth, trying to stop the oncoming laugh.

George's face went only slightly red, but he nodded nevertheless.

"Embarrassed Gogy?" Quackity asked.

George rubbed his eyes in response, "Maybe I should go back to sleep..."

"Did you get much sleep last night?"

"We slept the entire night." Dream cut in. George nodded. 

"Well I know I didn't." Karl sighed. Dream choked on his water and George laughed.

After a while, more people started coming to the living room.

"So guys I was thinking... instead of one or two weeks, what if we stayed here for around a month?!" Dream said, once everyone was awake.

"YEAHHHH!" Sapnap and Quackity cheered. Tommy nodded eagerly, "NO SCHOOL FOR A MONTH!!!"

Tubbo joined Tommy while Ranboo sat awkwardly next to the two.

"Isn't it weird that the second youngest person here is the tallest?" Wilbur asked.

"I fully support this idea, Dream." George said.

"Of course you do, Gogy." Tommy smirked. "You get your whole Dream time. Dream, did you ever tell George about your Dream-rider?"

George looked worried, "wHAT?" 

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