Chapter 3; George (Day 1 of Chaos)

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Almost as soon as George woke up, he was, very unfortunately, greeted by the smell of burnt toast.

He groaned, looking on both his sides, forgetting he was in the middle of a Dream and Sapnap sandwich. 

George carefully tried to sit up, almost waking Dream up.

He twitched in his sleep.

George couldn't help but stare for a moment, thinking of how peaceful he looked while sleeping.

He wasn't going to deny it, Dream looked lowkey cute. 

George went downstairs, seeing Tommy and Wilbur in the kitchen.

Lord help whatever may be happening...

He walked into the kitchen, seeing Tommy making eggs and Wilbur patting to perfectly burnt pieces of bread.

"I pray for both of you." George said, picking the pieces of bread up and throwing them away. He grabbed the bread from in the pantry and put them in the toaster.

"WE HAD A TOASTER?!?!?!" Tommy asked loudly.

"Shut up!" George whispered. "People are still sleeping!"

"Sorry." Tommy said, flipping the eggs. George gave him a weird looked.

Tommy simply shrugged. 

"We are planning on doing a group cooking stream today, Gogy." Tommy said.

"I thought we agreed to not do that." Wilbur sighed.

"We are doing it!" Tommy said.

George sighed. 

Once everyone ate, they started the stream.

Only a few of the people actually decided to be apart of it.

George, Dream, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Phil, and Niki.

Everyone else decided on doing a Minecraft stream.

About half way through the stream, the kitchen was a mess. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were sitting at the table, doing each others "makeup".

The chat was asking where they had gone, so George turned the camera towards the three boys.

Ranboo had his mask up, not wanting his makeup done, but Tommy had flood on his cheeks as blush, and some icing as eyeliner and lipstick. Tubbo had flour on his eyes and cheeks as blush and eyeshadow, and some contour.

Ranboo was wheezing as he put Tubbo's hair in two ponytails like a previous time.

Chat was doing some "LMAO" and laughing.

Dream and Sapnap were literally wheezing, using each other as support. 

Niki was blinking rapidly, "What the actual heck?" She asked, terrified.

"Don't even acknowledge them, Niki. They're a bunch of children." Wilbur replied. Phil was using the fridge as support while, also, laughing. 

"Ok, back to the cooking!" George turned the camera back to the kitchen, holding out a perfect pancake.

"Look how perfect it is!" He said proudly.

A few moments later, a dono read out, "Eat it like you would eat Dream."

George nearly dropped the pancake, and Dream started wheezing again.

Tubbo looked at Tommy, who was trying very hard not to laugh.

"Umm... heh..." George ignored the dono and took a small bite of the pancake.

"GEORGE! IT'S STILL RAW!" Dream said, taking the pancake from him, showing him the inside of the pancake, which was incredibly runny. "You're an actual idiot, ya know?"

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