Chapter 2; Dream (Wait, I Could Have Sworn-)

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"Tommy shut up!" Dream shouted at Tommy, who was running around the living room.


"How do you spell believe?" Tubbo asked randomly. "Buh-luh-eee-ve. B-u-h-"

"B-E-L-I-E-V-E." Wilbur responded.

"Smarty pants." Tommy rolled his eyes.

There was a knock on the front door, and Dream went to get it.

"Hey Ranboo!" Dream greeted him, smiling, even though nobody could see behind his mask.

"Hello Dream!" Ranboo smiled behind his own mask as well.

"So many face reveals coming up!" Tommy said eagerly. 

Tubbo peered over the side of the couch, getting a good angle at the door, smiling brightly at Ranboo.

"Hey sexy." Tubbo smirked. Ranboo facepalmed, "Already?! Hello Tubbo." //just two best friends flirting with each other//

Tubbo jumped off the couch, giving his second best friend a big hug. Ranboo actually had to bend over slightly to reach the smaller boy.

"Ranboo is officially allowed to call Wilbur short, did you know?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur gasped, "Well eff you too Tommy,"

Tommy fake mocked Wilbur, just to be annoying.

"So where did George go?" Jack asked, him and everyone else just casually lounging on the couches.

"He is still asleep." Sapnap replied. "Dream, go wake him up."

"Uno reverse Sapnap."

"Ughhhh Karl and I are cuddling before Quackity gets here though." Sapnap said, hugging a laughing hysterically Karl tighter.

Dream rolled his eyes and went to George's room.

"George!" Dream shouted, throwing a pillow at George. Not with his full power, but just enough to wake him up.

There was some muffled noise, and a little bit of shifting, when George finally sat up.

"Just a little longerrrrr?" George whinnied.

"Fine. Five minutes. Starting..." Dream got his watch out. "Now,"

George instantly laid back down, closing his eyes.

Dream leaned against the head rest, scrolling his phone while waiting for the timer to go off.

Within the 5 minutes, George had ended up much closer to Dream than when the timer started, but George was unconscious so Dream thought nothing of it.

"Ok George." Dream said after 5 minutes had passed. "Face reveal time."

George looked up at Dream.

"Can I be the first?" He asked tiredly.

Dream shrugged, "Depends. Are you gonna get out of the bed?"

George groaned and sat up, kicking his legs over the side of the bed.

"You have been asleep for almost an entire day, George. Half the other people are here now. Ranboo, Niki, Puffy, Fundy, Bad, and Skippy all are here. Bad is like 10 minutes away."

George smiled slightly, "Well, face reveal time then Dream, let's see your george-us hair. See what I did there? Gorgeous, George-us..."

Dream wheezed, his tea kettle wheezed, slowly removing his mask. Slowly starting from the bottom, revealing his lips, perfectly pink. Slowly lifting the mask over his straight nose, also revealing his perfect jawline. Finally moving to his emerald green eyes, or piss color as George saw them. 

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