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Guys I want to start with Sage vs Ultra.


I was really angry and pissed part of my heart wanted to save her but the other half really feels like choking her to death.

Sage: time to end this me vs you.

Ultra: of course how else are you going to die.

We flew at each other and clashed fists and kicks, my rage was giving me the upper hand. I punched her then gave her a flip kick then vanished and appeared in front of her and kicked her back to the ground.

Sage: time to take it up a notch.

I powered up to super Saiyan 2 breaking point my maximum.

Ultra: you want to take it this far.

She increased her power but she was slightly stronger than me.

And again we were punching and kicking each other. I punched her but she used one of her hands and directed my punch away before punching my chest then absorb my energy.

Ultra: you're energy it's so strong and violent.

Sage: fuck if she keeps this up this battle will end soon.

I kicked her face sending her to a boulder, I grabbed her leg but she kicked my jaw grabbed my hair and smashed me to the ground repeatedly making me bleed from my forehead.

Sage: enough of this.

I elbowed her stomach making her release my hair before giving her a side kick sending her back.

Sage: take this big bang Cannon.

Sage: take this big bang Cannon

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I did it.

I dropped my form and was panting very hard.

Ultra: or did you.

I looked at her she was a little scratched but not much affected.

Sage: damn it.

She punched my chest repeatedly making me cough out blood and saliva.

Sage: so this is how it ends killed by the person I love, somehow I saw this coming but didn't know who?

I looked at her face I could see tears in her eyes and she was holding back her blast.

Ultra: I'm so sorry please forgive me.

She stopped and crouched to my level.

Sage: Mabel.

Mabel: it's me I'm so sorry please she took control of me and I didn't know what got Into me please can you forgive me?

Sage: of course I love you.

X: sorry to interrupt but ultra time to end him and let's go.

Mabel: my name is Mabel you son of a bitch, and I love him.

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