Singularity 1: Act 3

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"Vox, you've got more contacts approaching!" Roman informs as we follow Jeanne d'Arc into the forest.

"We must stop them before they reach the fort!" Jeanne declares, rushing towards the sound of roars.

I blink, watching the Ruler dash ahead of us, before sighing, "I suppose we should follow her."

I break into a sprint, Raido blazing on my cloak and boots. My Servants follow close behind. We soon break through the treeline and into a clearing, where Jeanne is seen combating a wyvern. The saint twirls her standard and slams it down on the beast's head, sending it closer to the floor. She then stabs down, the spear point of her standard piercing the wyvern's eye and killing it.

A roar causes me to look around, spotting four more wyverns approaching, along with about a dozen more skeletons.

"Ushi, Mash, the skeletons," I order, "Gil, the wyverns, bring them down. Arty, you take it from there."

"Yes, Master!" my Servants chorus before acting out my orders.

Mash and Ushiwakamaru rush the skeletons. My Shielder smashes into their line shield-first, pulverizing a couple of skeletons in the process. Ushiwakamaru flanks the skeletons, attacking from behind.

Gil waves his hand, and four Gates of Babylon appear, out of which launch an assortment of weapons. The wyverns cry out as the weapons tear through their wings, sending them to the ground where Artoria is waiting. My Saber is a blur as Excalibur cuts through bone and scale alike.

Within a minute, the horde that would've certainly overwhelmed Ruler is reduced to nothing.

"Y'know, for a supposed military leader, you really don't think things through, do you?" I ask as I walk up to Jeanne.

"M-my apologies," Jeanne says, "It has been a very stressful day."

"It's been a stressful day for all of us," I reply, "Now, you wanted to talk? Let's talk."

"Ah, yes, but before we do, please tell me your names," Jeanne requests.

"Name's Vox," I answer.

"Yip," Sionnach appears on my shoulder and nuzzles my cheek.

"And this here's Sionnach," I add, scratching the fox's chin.

"My individual name is Mash Kyrielight," Mash says, as she and the rest of my Servants walk over. Artoria stops barely a few inches away, standing slightly between Jeanne and I, and I have to struggle to ignore the warmth flooding me at Artoria's subtle protectiveness.

"I am Ushiwakamaru," Ushiwakamaru says, bowing her head slightly.

"My name's Gil!" Gil says brightly, a smile on his face.

"Saber," Artoria says, a blank look on her face.

"Really, Arty?" I whisper to my Saber.

Artoria sighs, "Very well, my name is Artoria."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Jeanne replies, before looking at me, "I assume you are the Master?"

"Yep, that's me," I confirm, idly summoning Solas Dawn and twirling it.

"So, there are Masters even in this Holy Grail War," Jeanne.

"No, this has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War," Mash corrects, "Perhaps, you've heard of us?"

"Mash, how would she know of us?" I ask, "She literally just met us."

"I believe Mash is under the assumption that the Throne of Heroes has begun informing Servants of what is happening," Artoria explains.

They Call me VoxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang