Singularity 1: Act 6

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Only when the Sun is halfway between its apex and the horizon does Marie slow her horse to a stop.

"I believe we are safe now?" Marie asks me.

"Given the fact that we've been riding for three hours straight, I'm going to go with yes," I answer while sliding off the glass horse, hissing when my sore legs act up, "Okay, ow. Remind me to get a saddle before ever riding a horse again."

Marie giggles, "I'll be sure to do that... I don't believe I got your name."

"Vox," I reply, looking around, "And where is everyone?"

As if on cue, Ushiwakamaru crests the last hill Marie and I had gone over and bolts to my side.

"Here, Master!" Ushiwakamaru says, standing at attention before me, though I can tell she's at least a little winded.

"Right on time, Ushi," I say, ruffling the Rider's hair playfully.

Ushiwakamaru loses her serious expression, replacing it with a smile. For a moment, I could swear she looks like a dog who has just been praised. The sound of running feet and labored breathing brings my attention back to the hill.

I smile as Artoria, who seems to be hiding any exhaustion incredibly well, crests the hill at a run and gradually slows as she makes her way over to me. My smile widens when I spot Gil clinging to Arty's back. Mash and Amadeus are right behind them, and both Servants are quite exhausted as they reach us.

Amadeus, in a way that I can't tell if he's being genuine or overdramatic, leans heavily on Marie's horse, looking like he's about to pass out. Mash is marginally better, bent over with her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath.

"You two okay?" I ask.

"I am performing optimally, Senpai," Mash says, "I'm just a little tired."

"I would like to disagree," Amadeus says, "Next time, I'm riding with Marie!"

"Quiet!" Artoria whisper shouts before glancing over her shoulder at Gil, and only then do I realize that Gil is sleeping.

'Okay, that's adorable.'

"Doc, give me a sitrep," I say into my earpiece.

"You're correct in the fact that they're not nearby, I can't detect them," Roman says over the comm, "Also, I'm picking up leyline readings from that nearby forest."

Glancing around, I see the forest Roman is talking about.

"Sounds like a plan," I reply before addressing my Servants and our new friends, "Alright, the good doctor says there's a leyline in that forest over there. Let's get moving, we'll set up camp there."

"Very well," Mash says, "Jeanne? And... Marie?"

"Marie, did you say?" Marie asks, still sitting on her horse.

"F-forgive me," Mash stutters.

"You weren't being rude!" Marie assures, a wide smile adorning her face, "You made me so happy! The way you addressed me was so adorable! Please refer to me as Marie from now on!"

Mash blinks, confused, "Uh..."

"Works for me," I shrug, "Never really liked all that formal stuff anyway."

"Yes, splendid! I love understanding ladies!" Marie says, "Let me guess, Vox, you're very popular with the opposite sex?"

"Are you kidding? I'm pretty sure the average guy would drool over a girl with a body like mine," I brag, before adopting a thoughtful expression, "Though, I'd never date any of 'em. I'm more into girls."

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