If Harry Potter Was Like Matilda

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     I was recently thinking of a movie I have always loved, also a book, and then I thought of Harry Potter. I thought of how they both were raised in abusive homes. Then I wondered... 

     What if Harry learned to read just like Matilda? What if he had to learn how to take care of himself like Matilda did? Because the Dursley's sure wouldn't take care of him well. 

     What if Harry, instead of just gaining powers from reading a lot and being super smart like Matilda, had the same powers Matilda did because of his magic? 

     What if reading got rid of his anger and resentment towards the Dursley's some? What if reading about all those happy families made him long to have his own happy family? 

     Thank you for reading. Feel free to use the idea! This IS an idea factory. 

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