An Error In PokeTale

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     Error gets reborn into PokeTale. He ends up only letting close friends and family touch him. He glitches when touched suddenly or when touched by anyone other than friends or family. Like, if someone had to be touched to be taken care of, then I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind being touched by their family as much. Error actually knows how to eat because he is raised by a family that teaches him to eat so that he doesn't starve obviously. (unless instead of being reborn into a family he is turned younger and dropped into a neglectful orphanage until either he gets adopted by a family or he goes out on his own) You can decide whether or not to turn him into a pokemon, monster, or human. If you don't know or have an idea of what PokeTale should look like just google it. 

     I hope someone uses this idea. That goes for the other ideas in this Idea Factory as well. In the meantime, thanks for reading! <3 

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