Chapter V: Where are we?

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Keith hurried outside of the Red Lion and immediately spotted the Crimson Lion and ran towards it's mouth. It was only opened a tiny bit but large enough for him to get inside. He went in and ran towards the control room of the Lion, only to find Kyra unconscious in her seat, her head lolling to the side. He gently took her helmet off her head and started to feel for a pulse. To his immediate relief, he found one. He went to take a closer look at her helmet. There was a crack, in roughly the same place as the one on his helmet, only this one was much larger. Keith was amazed that her helmet hadn't just broken in half completely, but he was extremely grateful that it didn't, otherwise his sister would probably be dead. He gently picked her up, slung her arm over his shoulder, and carried her outside.

He set her down on a patch of grass nearby and started to look around. He climbed on top of Red to see better. They were in a very large and dense forest, and even standing on top of Red looking over the trees, he couldn't see any sign of a city. When looked back to where they were before the crash he could see the Green Lion and the Galra cruiser far out in the distance, but in such a wooded area, the other paladins would never see them from here. But that didn't stop him from shining the torch on his wrist into the sky to create an SOS. But he stopped when he realised that if Pidge could see them, (which was highly unlikely) so could the Galra. What was he supposed to do now?

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