11. 'On The Run.'

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"Do you hear that baby crying, again?"

When we first moved in, we created a code phrase. If anytime we were in danger, we would say our phrase, to other people it would sound weird. They wouldn't get it; one we were speaking a different language or two if they did know English its a random thing to say: especially if there is no baby crying.

An uneasy atmosphere was trenched around our apartment building as we walked inside. Our footsteps were quiet. Our apartment door was slightly more ajar than usual, and it was clear it wasn't locked. We had kept quiet about our living situation with the people that we would talk to. From that note we knew it could be nobody we lived around. We crept into the apartment careful not to make too much noise when I took a closer look at the intruder. I realised it was Steve Rogers stood in our manky looking apartment. He picked up the book in the kitchen, which I soon realised was Bucky's diary or memory book as he called it. Then flicked through the pages looking at what had been written.

"Understood." He said clearly. It slightly made me jump at the voice, the room had little furniture in, so the voice was loud and echoed. Steve slowly turned around as if it would startle us. His face etched an expression that was torn between confused, happy, and emotional. Confused because he wondered why here of all places. Happy because he had just seen his best friend. Finally, emotional because he didn't know if they would remember him.

"Do you know me?" Steve said, I stood behind Bucky's back. I knew it would be harder for me to see Steve so maybe just hearing him would be okay. It wasn't, I longed to talk to him for hours on end and have movie nights at the cinema with him and Bucky. Most of all I missed having him around, I mean of course I have Bucky. He is amazing, best person I could have been with all this time. He understands me, he supports me, he tries to calm me down after nightmares. He is great, but Steve. He is just different, and thats what I need.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky says roughly, as if he hadn't spoken in months. What he said is true, when we went to the Smithsonian, we both read about him. Bucky knew more than that, he had told me, and I saw him write in his memory book about Steve.

I'm guessing he is worried that by giving it up, he is showing that he can be trusted. I know he feels guilty about everything, and he doesn't want to hurt Steve or anyone in any way. Although, by lying to Steve, he is only hurting himself. I wanted to scream and shout how I remembered Steve, but maybe it would all go to shit if I did. Staying silent was probably the best idea.

"I know your nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." Steve exclaimed.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." Bucky defended. The emotions set on his face were nothing of happiness to see his best friend, or anger of him being there. His face was expressionless; nobody could read him. That's what HYDRA had shown us, if they can't read you, they can't use it against you.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart..." Bucky murmured, loud enough so Steve could hear.

"Good strategy." I said coming out from behind Bucky. Finally making myself known. I passed Steve a sad smile. He was listening into his ear piece, carefully someone was feeding him information and by the sound of footsteps outside they were most likely right outside the door.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck." He nodded towards us both. I was tired of fighting, of feeling like this was all life was for. If Bucky were in trouble, I would be there whether I wanted to or not. And I knew at that point he was involved, so I didn't have much of a choice.

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