Chapter 6: Believe Me

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|| Wyatt ||

Coral seemed like the ground had disappeared beneath her feet, and my first instinct was to ask her what happened. But I stopped myself, remembering that I was in the middle of confronting her about our break-up.

For two and a half years, I had wondered what had happened all of a sudden to make her take such a drastic step.

To be honest, at first, I thought it was a joke. A prank to get my attention. Maybe she was mad that I didn't pick up her call that day after she told me she was going to see her mom, or more like my assistant didn't pick it up because I had back-to-back meetings that day.

I had only seen her text after I got home late and replied "what do you mean?" before asleep due to my exhaustion while waiting for her to text me back, still thinking it was nothing serious. But when the next day rolled in and she still hadn't replied, I started to worry, so I immediately called her. But her cell phone was unreachable.

Then it started to sink, the weight of the three words written on my phone screen. That Coral was done with me. Our relationship was over. Years worth of love and togetherness was broken. By her.

More than my heart crumbling into pieces, the voices in my head that asked "why?" drove me crazier.

Maybe I was victimizing myself, but I deserved to know the reason behind that. What had I done to have been thrown away with so little effort?

I could guess some of the reasons. I had been a little rude to her during our last phone call, only because I was stressed out. I also knew that lately I hadn't been able to give her time and she was starting to feel neglected. But... I had no choice.

It wasn't like my heart didn't want to abandon work and just gossip with her, watch her smile and hear her laugh. I wanted to be with her as much as she did. I really did.

In spite of that, I also wanted to work hard for both of us. That desire was much more important than giving into my desires. After all, I wanted to establish my business and make fame and money for it so that I could give her a comfortable life so that I could finally ask her to marry me.

I wanted to fix everything between us by asking her to marry me after her ongoing semester was over. In that way, she would live with me after she finished her studies. No matter how busy I'd get, at the end of the day, I'd come home to only her— that fantasy felt nice to dream about, and kept me working hard each day.

But all of those dreams were shattered. Without any explanation. Just over a text.

Even if I knew my faults, she didn't say anything to me. She didn't discuss anything with me. Didn't give me the chance to explain for whatever reason she broke up. Didn't let me say that I was sorry, that I would do better, that I would do anything in exchange for her to stay in my life, that I loved her so damn much.

Even now, after all this time, I still love her. And I don't think I could ever stop loving her. She was my first love and she would be my last.

But I was still angry for being left without as much as a single word of explanation. Didn't I mean enough to her to deserve to get her explanation? Was I really such a shitty boyfriend? If I was, she should have said so. I deserved to have my flaws thrown back at my face.

Whether it was out of anger, pride, hurt, or indignation I don't know, but I had also stopped contacting her further.

But there was only so long I could stay away from her. That's why after a month of receiving that text, I tried calling her again, and again was met with her number being unreachable. I assumed that she probably blocked my number. So I headed straight to her dorm to meet her, but I learned that she had dropped out of the university. I couldn't believe it.

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