Visit from dad + date

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Y/n PoV
As I lay peacefully in my deep slumber,The frigid stale air of the void shocks my system as it fills my lungs suddenly
Instantly my eyes shoot open only to see the void all around us as we lay in bed,My head still resting on Momo's soft breast
My eyes wonder around until I look at Momo who is a shadowy figure of herself. Then my eyes lock onto my left hand that rests on her thigh... shadow, just like the interaction with father on stage at the school festival
The mood and atmosphere shift as my thoughts drift to him. From being normal to twisted and eerie, the walls of the bedroom seem to close in choking the area of any comfort it once had, almost like its not our bedroom now

"I bet you are proud of yourself aren't you? Managing to shake my influence like that?" Father's demeaning tone shines through his anger as his voice echos and gets closer to the left of me
It's at this point I realise I can't move. Only my eyes seem to be under my control as my body lays frozen in place. I try to sit up in effort to defend myself but still my body doesn't move

"I'll admit I was..surprised when i felt you had broken away from me. But in the end none of this will mean anything because you'll either be by my side as your destiny and my will demand or you'll be dead in the cold hard ground along with liana"he continues to mock in his condescending maniacally calm manner which causes anger to flow through my veins
A figure finally appears to my left which I instantly lock my eyes onto
Father. In his black trench coat standing next to the bed, how he looked before I walked out the day mother died
Just his figure alone inspires fear and oppression over me as images of mother being beaten and killed flash through my mind
Since I can't speak I let my eyes glow dimly as they stare up at him

"Don't give me that look boy. Glowing eyes and harsh stares don't hurt me,you of all people should know that HA HA HA" Father snarls with an ecstatic smirk as he leans over me until all I can see is his cruel Cheshire Cat like smirk, his light coloured hair hanging over his forehead down to my own
"Do you understand? You can't escape me. No matter how far you run. No matter how fast. You can't run away from who you are my son whether you like it or not"he whispers sounding sincere
We stare at each other with apposing looks, his one of smugness and control while mine is of anger and desperation

I try to smile which actually works,my lips curl up and out leaving them slightly ajar for a smug smile. for the first time I move my body to smile trying to gain control over the situation
He frowns slightly but keeps his smile
"Ohh ignorant of you, I'm not running. After all these years.. 6 long years you thought I was running? I've been on your tail chasing you."I quip smugly with a hint of genuine surprise as I flip the roles of control so I'm the one who commands the aura in the room
The corner of his top lip twitches but he manages to maintain his smirk
"Ignorant you say? Ignorant. well at least I can recognise the person laying beside your girlfriend."he says with a condescending pouty tone before he stands up straight and saunters around the bed while dragging his right hand along the bed frame while not breaking eye contact with me other than the occasional glance to Momo's figure
I grit my teeth and try to jump up but again I can't move
"Ah-ah-ah Now now *wags finger*"he shuts me down
He looks down at her and smiles softly
"Ahh Young love such a..pointless time consuming event, it would be such a shame if I found who this is and dealt with her..which as you know wouldn't be hard at all. Such a waste of your time and affection"father says as he reaches towards her Head like he is going to grab her
"LEAVE HER BE! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!"I shout with explosive anger building inside me as my eyes glow a dark purple colour
Father glances over to me and smiles with a strange smile like he was trying to comfort me then lifts his hands to his shoulders in a surrendering pose
"Woah there! Don't want to bust a blood vessel but in all seriousness son my patience and acceptance of your..*lowers hands and drops the smile..silly hero venture is wearing dangerously thin.."he growls in a tone I haven't heard from him in years,one of seriousness but also malice

The Creator and her Shadow. Momo Yaoyorozu x male reader Where stories live. Discover now