Chapter 131

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Third person pov

Toga was taken away by a couple of confused cops. 1-A stared as she was dragged off, eyebrows raised and confusion palpable. Lillian really had no idea what had just happened. They all had to hold the bus still while Kirishima went inside and tried to hammer the dent out with his hardened fists. It only sort of worked. Momo made a couple of brooms so they could sweep the broken glass off the seats without cutting themselves. Ochako just stood and dissociated the entire time. Lillian had gone over there with Mina briefly to pat her on the back and give her some milk from the vending machine. It seemed to pull her from her stupor a little, but even then she was still notably dazed.

Aizawa had been less than amused with the entire thing, but he wasn't particularly upset either. Their new licenses prevented them from getting in total trouble. What were they supposed to do otherwise? Stare at her and let her walk off? Wait for her to stab them? Lillian and Katsuki just happened to react at essentially the same time and the result had been less than expected, that's all. Hitoshi certainly thought it was hilarious. He had practically begged Mina for the video. The girl had been all to willing to send it, but only if he promised to send her any memes he made. Hitoshi held up his stump and swore on it that he would. Comedically, the move had been genius. The weird looks he got from some of 1-A told him it had been too soon nonetheless. Not his issue. He was the one mutilated: not them.

Now Lillian found herself standing in front of Mirio and Tamaki. Cornering the blonde in particular had been surprisingly hard. It wasn't that he'd been avoiding her since he accidentally gave her a mental breakdown about the USJ, he'd just been... you know, avoiding her since he accidentally gave her a mental breakdown about the USJ! That's all! Very understandable, but that was in the past. Lillian had bigger things to panic about now, like getting kidnapped and shot at. Mirio had nothing to worry about, yet he still walked on eggshells around her as though expecting her to snap and get mad at him. Nejire still spoke to her like normal in class, but she wasn't the one Lillian needed to talk to.

"Gentlemen." Lillian cracked her knuckles. Tamaki jumped slightly, and Mirio stared at her like she was about to rip his throat out. Behind her, Bakugo rounded the corner like a vengeful spirit. With Kaminari interning alongside Shoto with Hawks and Hitoshi and Neito sticking with Lillian's dad, that left her and Bakugo to secure their own internships with pros related to the Yakuza case. Nighteye and Fatgum were two heroes they knew were connected to the whole 'Trigger' ordeal. Not only that, but Lillian knew two of their interns. Which they'd be utilizing.

"L-Lillian." Tamaki squeaked out. Were her eyes glowing? Maybe it was just the light. The explosive boy behind her sure was terrifying. He was hovering there like an agent of death about to strike them down the moment one of them dared to move. Running away clearly wasn't an option. They had attempted to speed walk towards the boy's bathroom as inconspicuously as possible, but Lillian had gotten to them before they could make it. Based on her expression, she probably would've followed them in regardless.

"What can we do for you?" Mirio chirped out, cheerful as ever despite the nervous glint in his eyes. He stood there, glowing like the sun with his fists planted on his hips and his shoulder's squared. Like he was ready to toss optimism at anything thrown his way. "I haven't seen you in class recently. You look great!" 

Great was a strong word, but Lillian digressed. She was two shades paler than usual and had bags under her eyes deeper and darker than the grand canyon during a solar eclipse. She had the vague appearance of a corpse that had been left in a freezer for thirteen months. The only thing doing slightly okay was her hair, and that was only because Neito was forcing her to do some weird rice water treatment that made it look less like a waterfall of frizz and more like something out of a Pantene commercial. Or maybe a Dove one, because their hair always looked better than their skin despite most of their ADs being aimed at their body-wash. 

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