Chapter 47

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Third person pov

A few days passed, and now it was Wednesday. Lillian was looking a little less dead in the mornings. Ochako took this as a good sign, though she and the other girls were still moderately concerned for the dark-haired girl. She was nearly late in the mornings, looking winded and like she was going to fall over, and she vanished at the end of the day. During lunch, she sat with her purple haired friend and the newer, blonde one. The small glimpses 1-A got of her with them showed them simply jamming as much food down their throats as they could, and as fast as possible.

Kaminari hadn't really wanted to bother Lillian while she was looking like a walking corpse, so he'd taken his time thinking of exactly what he'd say to her. He had the words in his head. He'd stop her after class and confront her about not only the dabbing, but about the Chungus note too. It was burning a hole in his pocket. He wasn't sure why he'd taken to carrying it around with him everywhere, but he couldn't help himself.

Class was nearing an end, and people were already packing up their things. Kaminari was ready for battle. He was armed, and dangerous, with well thought-out words and an electrifying smile. He was prepared for this in every possible way. He was ready to pull out all the stops if need be, and was feeling pretty confident as he gravitated back towards where Lillian stood, taking her sweet time in packing her things up. 

Lillian looked up and gave a nervous, shy smile as he approached. He gave a grin in response, beating down his nerves and grinding them into dust. There was no room for cowardice in this household, oh no. He had his big boy pants on today. His belt buckle was shining, his blazer was ironed, and his hair was on point. Nothing could go wrong.

Or that's what he thought, until Lillian shoved a can into his chest. He caught it out of reflex before it could drop to the floor, blinking stupidly at it for a moment. It was spray painted black all over, and he could tell there was still some sort of fluid inside of it. He looked down at Lillian curiously, clearing his throat a little awkwardly as he held the can up.

"Uh... what's this?" Kaminari asked awkwardly, not sure what else he could really say. His plan to conquer had been foiled in an instant. 

"A threat." Lillian answered pleasantly, sending a shiver shooting straight down his spine. "H-Have a good e-evening, Kaminari!"

And with that, she walked off. And Kaminari didn't even try to stop her either. He couldn't. He just turned and watched her go, his lips parted in surprise. She didn't look like she'd just... well, threatening him with a can. She had the same posture as always, and the same expression, which made this all the more terrifying. Was she really that good at deception?

Hesitantly, Kaminari turned his attention back to the can he was cradling in his hands. He moved to open it. Momentarily, he was afraid. Was this a bomb? Would it shoot a knife out at him? Well, he didn't think Lillian was trying to kill him, but looks were deceiving. He could see what people meant when they said 'it's always the quiet ones.' They were right, and him? He was terrified.

Ignoring the screaming voice in his head that told him to ditch the can, he popped the tab off, holding his breath as the air stuck inside hissed out. He waited for something bad to happen, but... well, it was just an ordinary can of soda. It didn't spit flames, or pop out darts at him. It just fizzed for a moment before falling still. He brought it up to his lips.

Accepting that this probably had cyanide in it and he was about to die, he took a sip. He immediately blanched, eyes flickering to Lillian. She wasn't even looking his way, talking to Momo and Tsuyu like nothing had ever happened. Just like last time, with the dabbing. And with the note. But there was no mistaking this drink.

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